Hi I'm currently having this issue, i have tried to add the exception in the firewall but i keep getting this error. Do you have more info on how did you set up the exception in the firewall?
Posts by Miss Spike
Normally this alarm happens when jogging the robot in random positions, and both of the robots had this alarm when jogging the robot and the speed when we do this ir normally not super fast since we have to put the robot in T1.
I still wonder if this two alarms are related, i will also look into the grease i don't think we have exchanged the grease for our robots since we got them (3 years ago).
Thank you
In the past two weeks i had two instances with two different robots showing both alarms at the same time. Initially the robot detected a collision and it was being recovered by manually jogging the robot to its home position when the alarms appeared, though this issue happened in different robots both of them work inside the same cell and have similar space function & intelligence interference settings but perform different tasks.
I understand that SSPC-134 is related to space function, what i don't understand is why this alarm comes up with SRV0-046 or if one is causing the other, i would also like to understand SRV0-046 in order to root cause this alarm and avoid having to power cycle the cabinet when this happens.
Thank you!
I want to use the auto back up tool to send these files through FTP to a PC. I found a few script's that i can use for this purpose but i don't know what device should i pick in the auto backup settings to make sure it will go through the FTP, and also I'm not sure if this will trigger the script by itself since it creates the backup automatically.
I would super appreciate your help.
Hi everyone!
I have a S-420FD Fanuc robot with a RJ controller, i was trying to load the .TP programs with the K floppy, but it wont let me and it shows a message that says that the file does not exists or it´s invalid. Also the files i was trying to upload (which are the .TP) ares saved with a .PE extension, i think that this may be the reason why i cant load it to the controller but when i did the back up the files we saved with that extension.
So could it be that i can´t upload the TP programs because of the .PE extension?, if so why did the files came out with this extension?, and is it possible to load them?
If it is not related with the .PE extension what could it be?
i appreciate your help.
Miss Spike