where can you find the new GSDML?
can't find it on the internet
where can you find the new GSDML?
can't find it on the internet
I heard rumors that there is a kind of a TIA portal lite version which is similar to SIMATIC NCM manager.
I will contact Siemens about it, and let you know what they say!
I have version 5.5 there isn't a newer version
Hello guys,
We have the FANUC R30ib plus controller with the siemens CP1604 (firmware 2.7.2)
Till firmware version 2.6 we used the SIMATIC NCM manager tool.
The tool doens't support the higher firmware versions.
So my question is: are there other tools that can be used to configure a PROFINET network? other than one from siemens?
I'm facing the same problem, i can't see the Profinet menu.
I use the Siemens CP1604, looked in the confiq but couldn't found anything about Profinet.
Hello people,
I'm doing some research about PROFINET configuration tools, currently we use the phoenix contact PROFINET configuration tool for ABB robots.
I saw that ABB has released an I/O configurator (BETA version), now my question is :
- Is there any documentation about how to use this?
- Have you guys tried it and how was the experience?
i already found the problem.
It needed to be a FUNC instead of a PROC because you need a RETURN
i'm using the ABB YuMi cobot for a small project.
i'm trying to create a function where the actual position of the cobot is stored in a robtarget.
to use the robtargets later to create a path. Only when i use my created function it gives an error that i that it's an dummy positions. because it is empty
but when i use the function directly it works fine.
see code below:
Proc Main()
SetLeadthrough \on;
TPReadFK reg1,"Press Apply to apply the coördinates", "Apply", stEmpty, stEmpty,stEmpty, stEmpty;
if reg1 = 1 THEN
Pos1:= CRobT(\Tool:=Servo \wObj:= wobj0);
Setleadthrough \off;
TPWrite "coördinates applied";
MoveJ HomePos, v200,fine,Servo;
MoveJ Pos1, v200,fine,Servo;
in this case it works fine but when i use in the as below it doesn't work
PROC Main()
MoveJ HomePos, v200,fine,Servo;
MoveJ Pos1, v200,fine,Servo;
PROC TeachPos(robtarget pos)
SetLeadthrough \on;
TPReadFK reg1,"Press Apply to apply the coördinates", "Apply", stEmpty, stEmpty,stEmpty, stEmpty;
if reg1 = 1 THEN
pos:= CRobT(\Tool:=Servo \wObj:= wobj0);
Setleadthrough \off;
TPWrite "coördinates applied";
Does some one know what i do wrong ? or what the problem is ?