This reminded me of lookahead execution being blocked when using PR on movement instructions, so I checked manual (chapter 9.4 of Operator Manual) to see if it happens even with Registers but seems not.
Anyway I'd give it a try, you just need to 'envelop' your movement instructions between LOCK PREG and UNLOCK PREG instructions.
Posts by inusO
If you cannot move from PR to P because of tool frame number mismatch, I think the problem is the tool number in P not in PR
Thanks for the answers, anyway I've found those system variables that seems to show exactly what I need.
$MOR_GRP[1].$cur_dis_trq[n] -
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if it is possible to read somewhere programmatically (e.g. in a system variable) the current disturbance torque on robot axes?
Or maybe just read somewhere if i am in SRVO-053 Disturbance excess condition?Thanks
I really don't know much about speed limits on single instructions but the actual robot speed during motion instruction depends on many factors and not only the command speed (the speed in the instruction).
Assuming you have constant override (%) the other thing that affects robot actual speed is the interpolation, in other words, instructions before that one.Which instructions are before and after that one in particular? How far are those points?
I had to implement something like this not long ago, in Kukas you just set override velocity to 0; in Fanuc you can't, because the least the override can be set is 1.
I tried many ways to stop robot motion, including HOLD and UNHOLD but somehow everything I tried had problems with my server-client application.I ended up creating a RPC Karel server listening for commands without any motion group control that delegates motion to another task and for STOP/CONTINUE commands I used the Karel instructions PAUSE_TASK/CONT_TASK (check the manual) on the task with motion
You can run it in background by using karel or tp multitasking features.
I used to have a tp program that was autoexecuted at robot start which started (by using RUN instruction) 2 karel programs in background (one of those was a karel server) -
The server application is writen in karel and should constantly run in the background as a background logic?
Yes, for your problem the best thing is writing a server in Karel and no, you can't run it on background logic since its purpose is mainly to monitor signals (and you can only run TP code).QuoteUsing the server and client application with socket messaging, is it possible to write and trigger the robot to start a given program from my computer?
Yes, It is possible (check RUN_TASK and related functions on the manual) and you can achieve that by implementing a simple RPC model.
It seems like you are stuck on
because he's waiting (blocking) for more bytes, fanuc standard formatting for string should be: first byte containing an integer n indicating the length of the string, and then n characters (the string).
You can specify your custom binary formatting with specifiers -
I worked on a much larger but similar project where I used .net instead of python. I believe Python will work aswell since the fanuc socket interface is low level (you just fill a byte buffer and send it)
A good start would be this article…el-programming/; I use Sublime3 as text editor for which I setup a comfortable environment with custom syntax highligthing and snippets; to build I use the ktrans command line which comes installed with ROBOGUIDE (you can install the trial version and the command will work even without a license)
First of all you are not following the correct sequence suggested by the link you provided, second seems like you are not waiting for server response before entering a new command and this may cause problems on slow connections, last I don't see any server message (no success or fail) for the command
This will probably do
Display Morefirst_part = "" second_part = "" change_part = FALSE FOR i=1 TO STR_LEN(full_line) DO current_character = SUB_STR(full_line, i, 1) IF current_character <> ',' THEN IF NOT change_part THEN first_part = first_part + current_character ELSE second_part = second_part + current_character ENDIF ELSE change_part = TRUE ENDIF ENDFOR
The standard way would be to use regular expression, but as far as I know there isn't support in Karel.
A workaround here would be to use some IF clauses and the built-in function STR_LEN to identify how your string is structured or maybe check where the ',' is, that depends on the format of your string.
Once you have to correct lengths you can use SUB_STR as I shown -
is the number of characters always the same? If so, you can just use the built-in function SUB_STR(source_string , start, len) that return a substring of source_string starting from start character and takes up to len characters
An example would be:
Not long ago I created a python script for testing purposes that given the center, radius of the circle and the number of points (resolution of the path) produced an .ls file to perform the movement;
if you feel it might be of use I'll share it -
Hello everyone,
since I use Sublime 3 as editor, I wrote a simple custom syntax file to highlight Karel programs and I thought to share it;
Other than setting different colors to language elements it also allows for quick jumps to ROUTINE declarations within project either by click or Command PaletteIn order to use it you have to place it in C:\Users\<your_username>\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User and then apply it from Sublime by bringing up the Command Palette (ctrl + shift + P) and then select Set Syntax: karel (typing 'syka' in the command palette will do)
If you find anything wrong or something that needs to be changed feel free to ask here or edit it by yourself
4-axis robot should not have singularity.
AgreeAre you by any chance close to joint limits?