I didn't solwed my problem and robot sets still and immovable. But I know that there is realy problem not with X11 but with Siemens PLC profisafe module that waits signals from output environment. It should be reprogramed and profisafe modules should be changed to standard modules.
Look my thread robot-forum.com/robotforum/kuka-robot-forum/kuka-profisafe-cp1616-connection-failure/msg109656/#msg109656 - last message from Gintsd
Posts by Alex_Moser564
I didn't see that problem with IN Speed_1, because to see changes in the program, I need to to restart PC of KUKA bt not only turn off/on supply. Only ater that KUKA saw changes.
Doess any body know know how to make reboot from KUKA screen? I didn't found it in meny, even from Expert mode.
Already delated, as before read your topic.
Thanks, Panic Mode, a lot.
Now programs are starts to run.I also wonder, why I have word <INT> (from powermill jenerated program), and if I create module of program, than all words complitly are in red colors? But program is run.
Thanks for your attentions very much.
I add file generated by Powermill and they are not work.
There are a lot of subprograms because of big files, but only <main> is main and give me an error. -
I've commented that line and after that I don't see that message. But there are another errors:
HPU /R1/<my filename> 1 compilation error
there are few files and all with errors: custom, test1, all in that folder.When I try to open my file, I receive:
Line 2, Col. 8, Error 2324, Dual declaration. -
I have robot KCP2, and made few monthes ago some programs for it and it worked. Now I also want to do some job with it, but it doesn't want to load my programs, made in Powermill.
It gives me such error:CodeDouble declaration Object " S_GUN_NR" already exists. (Module C:\KRC\Roboter\TEMPLATE\GUN_SERVICE.KFD, row 16, definition: Global
In errorview I see error 2324, col 8 line 2 for file "pr1_ch12bv.src" (Or it could be possible also pr1_ch12bv.dat).
I add them and other files to archive. I also add GUN_SERVICE.KFD as txt file. -
Dear Gintsd,
Please be so kind to explaine, how you made paragraph #1 (make factory reset of CP1616).
4 DO modules, you lived safemodules? -
I was busy with another work and my fruitless tries to make robot alive compel me to shift this work for some time. Now I can continue to do this work.
I defined that all safe inputs are going to this CP-1616 module but it hasn't program connection with main robot PC. It's very ineresting why. I don't think that configuration on CP-1616 was changed afterwards but it possible to exclude second use.
I use smatic manager to reconfigure CP-1616 but I have not rights to do it, it fordids me.
If Somebody can help to fix it, or will come in Ukraine and fix it, it would be very nice.
I try to run kuka robot with KRC2, bought from reseller.
There is problem with connection of Profisafe module and CP1616 PCI board (Siemens simatic net). I suspect that there is no connection with each other.
Red Led light on CP1616 of "SF" and "BF" is blinking. Profisafe module also lighted up with "BF" light. This devices are connected with RS-485 cable W=HDS+1R1-AF2/HDS+1AR1-AF3 - I've checked connection.
There is also one more cable (W=HDS+ST01-XSA3.6\=HDS+1R1-AF3) connected to the profisafe module but it was cut at the outlet from box. I don't know where it goes. In the technical scheme there is nothing mentioned about this second RS-485 cable.At the start up of the robot after cold restart I also have some problem with NET.Framework. I don't know but maybe this problems are jointed.
Voltage is OK on CI3-Technology but indicator LEDs are not lighted up when I took them out. But it's not the main problem.
It seems that I have problem with ProfiSafe module. On main module - there are BF (Fault indicator LED) blinking. On each module SF (Fault indicator LED) constant ON. CP1616 PCI board that plugged in main PC is also faulted (SF led blinking).
I also have some problem with NET.FrameWork when I start up PC after reboot.
What is that could be?Thanks Martin84 for that very nice manual. I will read it also I havn't had this till now. I'll definetly study it.
that image shows safety inputs, not safety outputs
Thanks for your interest about my topic.
I studied information from KUKA.SafeOperation and on page 51 describes error 444 (from page 138). From that I get name of my error outputs and they turns into inputs.
If I wrong, please correct me.I think I found root of my problems -- CI3-Technology board doesn't supply periphery with 24V (Power supply signal \TA24).
If I disassemble fuse from that board, the led that should signalize about it should light up, but it doesn't (pic. attached). I must find how to solve this problem.Thanks you also Martin for your attention. I looked through your scheme and mine - they are very different but when I'll solve my problem I will look your scheme more detailed.
KRC2 ed05
Serial # 71233
Article # 11006430
Date 48/2009Schenatic name is: KRC2-05 SR AK7 BMW L6 VAT P NET 7035 DE
I supposed that sending 24V to the respective error inputs ( I used signal names from KUKA.SafeOperation, page 51/201) will solve my problem. Why should not?
I logged in as KrcSafetyMaintenance and KrcExpertProgrammer, and Administrator,
there is no other "safety" logins. But result always same.
I also use mode T1 and T2.It's very interesting why it's not working.
I decided to make wiring of that outputs manually. I found that safety outputs are (from KUKA.SafetyRobot docs):
Out_A0_A, Out_A0_B,
Out_A1_A, Out_A1_B,
Out_A2_A, Out_A2_B,
I found that signals in the cable X21.2 and wired them on the side of main KRC (not robot side). But it's also useless! I wonder why? It's should work. Or not? I attach also screen of wiring. -
We have KUKA KRC2 robot and there are error 444 failure safety output no.
How to turn off this safety output in configurations? -
no.... when icons look like notepad labels, program modules are not compiled. the only time modules are compiled is:
1. reboot
2. login as Expert, use HMI to navigate to external drive, select and copy modules, navigate back to KRC:\R1\Programs and paste.
3. you edit file that is already in KRC:\R1\.... and choose to save itTill this time I use to do like you wrote. But if I have 70-ty file, it's unconvinient a little to edit all
Quote from rusher02
Hi! You can try to purchase KOP Kuka CNC.
I can try everything but if it doesn't help? What that
And what is "KOP"? Internet search doesn't give any records.
To buy smt is also question of price because as I said rebootting helps to recompile the program. -
I've tried to copy files directly in KRC module. I tried to copy and to cut fom one folder to another and it doesn't help. The label shortcut looks like notepad label. Only reboot helps.
May be I need to change something in configurations? -
Thank you for your answers. I will make as you show me.
I'm very happy that is such nice forum where so many interesting answers could be found!
Nothing wrong with just copying programs in... Just do it from HMI and they will be compiled.
I really not understood how to achieve this.
I don't know about your cad software but if it does not make main program automatically, u would generate it in excel rather than typing seventy lines.
Yes, PowerMill makes main program where all subfolders are referenced. -
Thank you Martin about your answer but I have do it first of all.
The problem is my program consists of aprox. 70 subprograms and to run them I need to create manually in krc2 this 70 empty programs after that replace my program with that empty progs. And it's not the end, I need to open every prog and to resave it to be compiled in KRC.If it would be possible to only copy progs in robot folder and to run them...
We have robot KUKA on KRC2 and it works fine with powermill. But only with small programs.
We want to make milling with this robot but it can't make big programs. The maximum size of program is less then 2000 points.
It's a little small for us.Where in the configs of robot could be increased size of the program file?