Just wanted to let you know that robot performs without issues! Grand thank you to everyone who contributed!
You rock!
Just wanted to let you know that robot performs without issues! Grand thank you to everyone who contributed!
You rock!
aha, now I understand, those INC_AXIS values were not changed by whoever installed extension but probably myself some time ago changing increments with pendant. This means that the only issue was my incorrectly done mastering and now it is solved.
regarding $robcor.dat - I did not change that file after re-installation. It is a file with $MODEL_NAME[]="#KR2150L110K_2 S C2 FLR ZH150" inside. Is there some test I shall do to ensure it is correctly installed file?
Thank you indeed! Without your great input and this superb forum I would be lost.
I apologize, I think I have caused some misunderstandings.
Now, I was wandering if that $MACHINE.DAT file from source disk that I copied now in current MADA directory (described in #117) is good file. It has $TRAFONAME[]="#KR2150L110K_2 S C2 FLR ZH150" but it also has these values below:
And I could not see these values in KUKADATA\KRC1_CD\INTERNAT\MADA\KRC2\KR2150K_2_SSCBS\L110\FLOOR\R1\$MACHINE.DAT
One of the ways, I guess, is to change values back and see if it spoils robot movement
Not sure what those variables stand for.
MOM, thanks for pointing out my mistake, yes indeed there are KRC2 folders with L110 subfolder!
However, I inserted source EDC in the controller and I see that robot has the same Z problem (which it did not have before I took it out). From this I assume that I have perhaps made a mistake while doing mastering... I will re master robot!
MOM, thanks!
Current $ROBCOR.DAT file shows correct robot name: $MODEL_NAME[]="#KR2150L110K_2 S C2 FLR ZH150"
D: has a bunch of KR 150 folders, but all sub-folders are either L120 or L150, or "Floor" (zip attached). From this I conclude that whoever was doing extension did not use profile but copied right files from external source.
MOM, sorry for my lack of knowledge, where shall I look for BOF?
On the current KSS under Help -> Robot shows:
#KR2150L110K 2 S C2 FLR ZH150
panic mode, thanks!
Regarding subject of arm extension (KUKA KR 150-2K -> 3500mm)
I saw that reinstalled KSS is not keeping Z axis correctly, remembered your advice #87 to keep $MACHINE.DAT and $ROBCOR.DAT files. I made comparison of both files to original disk I cloned. Even as I was electing during the installation to keep old R1, I was surprised to find that $MACHINE.DAT had indeed a few different values (see pic). File $ROBCOR.DAT had exactly the same content. Naturally I did copy original MACHINE file to current installation, restarted (including cold restart), right version of file is on C: but robot is still moving strange on Z.
The size and number of files in MADA folder now is exactly the same for source and clone, could there be another file in another folder that holds changes that relate to extension of the arm?
somehow managed to solve the problem.
My CD ROM is NEC CD-3002A, so I found driver here: https://download.cnet.com/s/nec-cd-3002a/
CD Drive appeared in Win and KSS and I was able to copy files over it!
Thanks indeed for pointing towards autoexec.bat and config.sys
The only thing that I do not know weather I should add also this line "DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS" to config.sys file?
MOM thanks for reminding about #98
on the cloned EDC (the one in the controller):
- no viruses by Panda
- volume was 70% fragmented I de-fragmented it by Defraggler.
- CHKDSK found issues and corrected them
KUKADATA VOLUME had no viruses, no fragmentation and no sector issues
I put EDC back into controller - no change, CD Drive not visible in Windows Explorer, config.sys file empty.
Shall I reinstall KSS in your opinion? I amkind of reluctant as missing CD Drive seems Windows, not KSS problem.
I did remove Standard IDE/ESDI Hard Disk Controller. Powered off/on. The situation did not change. Device manager shows exact same screen.
I had this feeling - will this really be the end of the story? Apparently no
I was about to load code to KRC2 via CD and realized there is no CD Drive recognized
A few things I checked:
I was not brave enough to remove IDE controllers (impossible to remove one it says need to remove all), shall I?
I sense that there is some very simple solution for getting CD Drive back visible in Win, but what is it?
Assume it will be visible in KSS whet it is visible in Win 95.
to pipo, panic mode, javaman, MOM, sjx,
with deep respect, gratitude and really from the bottom of my hart - thank you! With a lot of patience you guided someone without basically any knowledge in industrial robots through the process of getting the robot back in operational state! This was quite an educational journey, we went from MB battery change, starting up the board, checking ATX, loading KUKA profile in BIOS, performing EDC clone, re-installation and finally uninstallation I tried to document it with maximum detail as my own small humble way of paying it forward to other readers of this forum who may stumble upon same or similar issues. But it is you who really did it!!! Thank you!
There is an option to uninstall GT.
ninstall the antivirus software does not give any protection only makes troubles.
This proved to be great advice! I did run Uninstall.exe that resides in Ikarus -> Guard95 folder, it took 1 min and Cross3 is no longer stalling!!!! With this the system is back to a state before things went wrong. Pendant lighting on 2nd attempt still persists but that is a separate discussion.
I will perform mastering, then work for a week or so and if this version of system proves to be stable I will make a clone of current cloned ESD, hopefully without using pins as proper IDE sockets are on the way
HDDRawCopy is what was needed! It worked! And it produced EDC copy that was recognized by system with no changes in BIOS necessary! Great! Thank you!
During installation, the only decision I was not sure about was weather to leave R1, Mada, and one more folder settings from previous installation when it asked. I decided to leave all 3 of them.
Once the installation was finished, when booting controller, it still did not go past Cross3 screen (same issue). CTRL+ALT+DEL indicated that Cross3 [Not responding]. Instead of End Tasking Cross3, I End Tasked 2 apps - Guard9x and Guardtray. Then Cross3 rebounded and KSS loaded.
Do you have any idea if I shall I try installation without keeping old R1, Mada, ....?
pipo, thanks for advice!
Original EDC starts OK and I double-checked that EDC model supports LBA (Logical Block Addressing).
I did clone the whole disk (with both partitions) but obviously I have to search for an alternative way of making a clone as Acronis DD neither gave me the option to preserve LBA, nor it has any documentation that even mentions this acronym. Acronis DD did not mention MBR but the disk was supposedly bootable. I assume I need another software product, perhaps older for making a clone.
If other clones will not work I will follow instruction with BIOS, thanks!
Shortly after powering on controller (with cloned EDC in), pendant shows "Invalid system disk. Replace the disk, and then press any key". In the screen I see that Pri. Master Disk: LRG, ATA 33, .... When I compare this to some historical screen photos I see that back in old times it was LBA, ATA 33, ....
I checked in BIOS, did not see an option to activate LRG. Do you agree that this is they likely reason for controller PC to not recognized cloned EDC?