Both of them.
Posts by Moriii6530
I have a problem when i working with KUKA KR 360 Robot with KRC2 controller; the robot stretch the shape across the Y axis; for example change the form of circle to ellipse and square to rectangle.
During the movement in Y axis, sixth axis rotate and tool angles towards work piece.
I gave a PowerMill program to the robot.X axis carves all of the points exactly but along the Y axis size increases.For example instead of 20*20 it carves a piece in 20*25 size.Y axis have always fault while carving.
I run a program with kuka kr360(Export from Powermill). X axis works graet but Y axis works Very low precision(instead of 25 mm it moves 35 mm).Where is the problem? Please help me...Thank you...
I changed S and T parameters and ran program.But the robot does the wrong motion.Is the Tool/Base configuration has a wrong?
Programs's files:
I succeeded to copy all files into PRGM folder without any errors.But an error occurred at the start of PRGM.Please see attachments and guide me.
Thank you all
Thank you for your help.
I did all of stages and configure the robot.The .SRC file created by KRL post processor and copied in program folder.But the robot don't run it and it has some errors for example one of the errors says speed of A1 is not specified.
I attach the files for you.Please consider them and show the faults for me.
Thank so much...
I am an amateur programmer.Please learn step by step offline programming stage for KR360 L280 KUKA Robot with KRC2 controller by Powermill 2017 software and run it with robot.
Please teach and explain the NC file for the KRC2 controller and I want to learn the import and run it in the KR360 KUKA robot.
I have a KR 360 kuka robot with KRC2 controller.I make a NC program in PowerMill robotic with KRL postprossesor But it don't
run in robot even i can't copy & past .SRC file in robot hard disk.
Please help me...