the informal instructions are all correct but under name inside the program it is still P5_Main it means the old program.. so i think its not changing...
Posts by ravitejagali
Yeah Clear, u also need to give $FSAC_List[].$CLNT_Name
just give the name what u gave in setup host communication -
I think you need to set FSAC Access Level(Sys Variable) to 8 then you can have full read/write access of (.TP, .PC, .VR, .IO, .SV)
I tested it in Simulation, it works but software package j507 ASCII Uploader must be installed
Hey Hi,
Here Main is .TP prograem, Prog_NAME_SET and SR1_SET are karel program. What does AR[1] contains?
I do something similar for one of my customers, but I use another TP program to do it. I send over 2 programs, one that sets the program name string, and the actual program.In this program, you would hardcode the name of the program that needs to be called.
String registers can't be set directly in TP, so I use this argument workaround.
hallo ovoyevoda,
using ftp how did you convert .ls file to .tp file without uisng robguide or other softwares.? what batch commands?
We do it form PLC side, from HMI load programm is selected and by that the batch programm gets activated changes program, as you said in which form do i getthis string from PLC.? Could yu please.
Now first send programto robot (by using ftp) --->then change name using karel program (But how do i fetch name uisng Input, I mean GI or some other way?)
It looks better solution but the problem is how do u get AR(1) or i have diffrent no of progrm in server, with barcode scanner i get path(server where robot program is ) and then i go tot hat path, change name and send it to robot. Here problem is first i get .ls programm.
To change name inside .ls program is easy while first line i can delete and keep my text or programm name. But here while converting .ls to .tp file is difficult using batch, (ascii to bin)
When I'm sending programs to robot with different names I also send additional text file that contains program name e.g. 'PROGRAM_1'.In MAIN program I first call RD_PRG_NM karel program that reads text file from PC and stores name into SR[x].
After that I use instruction CALL SR[x].
Karel Program? I have never used Karel, could you have any code for me.?
Hallo Nation, Racermike123,
This is how it goes, The robot programm(.TP programm), is placed in serever. And throuh barcode scanner I get path, After getting path I go to path and get robot .TP program and through ftp & batch programm I send this programm to robot.
Now the problem is, the progrm name is not same every time_ for each work piece diffrent name, so that the operator knows it is correct program, but i call run program with same name_ to this process i need to change name.
Controller side settings are all okay, Racermike123 The client access level is kept to 8 that means it is in installation. There is no problem with with level i think.
My try: I tried to send normal .tp programm from local (My Pc) to remote(Robot), it worked out. And the same programm i changed name and tried to send, it got worked out and as susspected it didnt changed name while the .tp file contains ist name on the first line.
So I got .ls file and changed the first line name to new name and this file i need to convert it in to .tp file if try to bin upload it shows file operation failed and file error. -
Is there a way to convert .Ls file to .TP file without using external softwares like robguide or other.
I send program to controller using ftp, batch commands which takes programm from other directory and make automatically. all robots are equipped with ascii uploader s/w package.
I get .TP Programm with some Name, this Name i Need to Change it to CALL:Programm Name and sent it to Robot using ftp Batch program.
I forget to say you about some system variaable adjustmensts before doing this.
Set $FSAC_Enable to 1
$FSAC_DEF_LV, this is server level of access set it to 0
$FSAC_LIST.$CLNT_Name: Host Name
$FSAC_LIST.$Access_LVL: 8 (with 8 ucan write, read robot jobs and do more)
I have done long back for my project and it works fine to send and delete robot jobs.
If you still have doubt go through the manul R-30iA_ethernet_function manul.
I usually do create Space functions for my programs and it works fine. I got a project now where it is already programmed and I need to do extension. I took the backup and saw in Robguide that he is using DCS. I hope they are similar to Space functions, I saw some previous posts on DCS and didn’t got clear Idea.
Floor Space Reduction, security etc.How do I use DCS?
MOVJ VJ=50.00 PL=5
SFTON P010 UF# (4)
MOVJ P007 VJ=50.00 PL=5 Unitll DIN (1) =ON
IF (DIN (2) = ON)
DOUT (1) =ON
SFTON P010 UF# (4)
MOVJ P013 VJ=30.00 PL=0 Unitll DIN (1) =ON //VOR
IF (DIN (2) = ON)
DOUT (1) = ON
SFTON P010 UF# (4)
MOVL P012 V=100.0 PL=0 Unitll DIN (1) =ON //Pickpoint
IF (DIN (2) = ON)
DOUT (1) = ON
ENDIFIS it a good idea to program like this using jump instruction to go backward..? Any ideas: In FWD Joint to Linear turns in BWD Linear to Joint.
Im interested, how are the results b/w realtime and simulation..? Does it works same likes external software like Spurtcam oder other CAM software program generators..?
With the same help manual- i started. The thing is, there are some positions where robot cant reach or and it makrs some moves over the work pieces. Why the Cam generator generates such points.. And in tooling there are something like lvule, none it something to do with it.?
Does any1 know how to generate robot Programm using cam function in Motosim, for metal cutting using spindel.
Any examples would be great. -
What do you mean by FD004? Where do I Need to set it to 1. Could you please tell me. Im using Dx200 with DK250. How can I make it endless rotation
1) Interrupt Job- I know very little about Interrupt- If I am not wrong, for example, during job running- if interrupt signal is occured then it performs interrupt job and after if we start the station- It starts from where it stopped.
2) Step Back signal using lader- With ladder till now I havent done something- If possible where can I find some examples.
3) What do u mean by using PLC or not?- Usually we build stations Robot as slave using Profinet card (cp1616 or 14) and PLC sends program number and by switch case I work. I come to know that robot comes with PLC is that ur asking.?
Thanks for your time.
Hallo Roboprof,
I hope you got the question.. What if robot is stoped middle of the motion..?
I trid to find in motion (either in MOVJ or MOVL) we have option instruction called Untill
For Ex: MOVL P001 Untill DI (1500) = ON // Here you can skip the motion instruction even between start and destination.
Now in the next step I control with
If DI(1500)= ON
CALL:REVERSE(ARG1:90) //BY Argument I tried to pass which position is it. and try to get back robot to home position but here problem isDouble time use of position variables.
IFTHENEXP LB000>=91 ANDEXP LB000<=110 // 91 to 110 are my Pvars where all positions are saved
SUB LB000 LB000 // P000 is home pos
SUB LB000 1
MOVJ P[LB000] VJ=40.00
MOVL P[LB000] V=400.0 PL=0
ENDThis is not very optimal way of programming but still I need to check at every position if the signal is ON or NOT. If ON I need to return back to home pos, If not continue the path.