3. Setup EtherNet/IP Type, Enable, Status
(below explain only for Slot 1)
- Slot number is as same "I/O" config Slot
- Description : You can remark favorite name.
- TYP : Adapter
- Enable : False (after all setup done, must be change to TRUE)
- Status and Slot : Do not modify
- and, move cursor Slot 1 line and Press F2 [CONFIG]
4. Setup EtherNet/IP Data size
(when, adapter config("Read-Only") showing, you have to ENABLE's parameter set "FALSE" value. Read_Only unable to modify below In/Out words size.
- Description : as same before EtherNet/IP List
- Input size (words) : 8 words = 128bits (Di 001 ~ Di 128)
- Output size (words) : 8 words = 128bits (Do 001 ~ Do 128)
- Alarm Sevarity : Do not modify
- Scanner IP : after "ENABLE" parameter turn to "TRUE", that from will be showing Scanner (PLC) IP address.
API O =>T : Automatically showing value.
API T=>O : Automatically showing value.
5. Rs_Logix Assembly Instance
Input Assembly Instance : 101
output Assembly Instance : 151
This value needs for PLC parameter.
6. Robot Cold Start
7. EtherNet/IP Connection set "TRUE"
- Reference Chapter 3 "ENABLE"