Hi, I am wondering an issue related to A, B and C angles at KUKA iiwa 14.
When doing cartesian jogging of the flange using SmartPad, that noticed that B and C values are not changing as expected.
I have used Jogging type: World, and Tool selection: Flange.
For example: when I press Angle B + button, not only the B value in "Cartesian Position"-view at SmartPad is increasing,
It seems that changes of B and C angles during pressing B or C + and - buttons are not logical.
At some poses of the iiwa arm B even decreases when I press B - button.
My colleague actually noticed this behavior first a couple of weeks ago, earlier we had not paid attention to those values at "Cartesian Position" view on SmartPad.
Our iiwa is wall-mounted at the moment, at this is taken into account in project settings. We have noticed this behaviour in two different projects.
I wondering is there something wrong with our iiwa setup at the moment, or does this behavior arise from the way how Sunrise handles Euler angles?
Would you iiwa owners check how A, B and C values at Cartesian Position -view are behaving during cartesian jogging?
-BR, Paavo from Kuopio, Finland.