I have same problem ....
Posts by kotlas6667
I have KR150 KRC2 with milling head.... On the picture1 is robot rotated on A6 90 (by data from config.dat {E6AXIS XHOME={a1 -0.000358249788,a2 -118.880997,a3 131.387894,a4 -0.000752957072,a5 -12.5081501,a6 90.001503})... Can you write me if will be some problem with milling when milling head is mounted as follow (picture1) and I will milling vertical wall (90deg)..... Can I repair it in somewhere in config.dat? maybe "WORLD",ROOT ?
First step: The Profinet is Controller / Device (KUKA.ProfiNet Controller / Device 3.2)
Second step: My imagine is: communication via Profinet ex: KUKA-> Some modul -> I/O signals to conveyors (24V).
I will send bit to modul via profinet where ex. turn on convertor to on...
For a couple of time ago I used Beckhoff card EK1100 with EL6731-0010 on communication between PLC and robot via Profibus. Has ex.Beckhoff some card on communication between peripherals and kuka via profinet?
Thanks for your answer. I would like know What I need buy when robot will need to like Master via profinet. I need to conveyors control via I/O.
Sorry for my eng...:-(
I have Kuka KR6R700sixx,Profinet KRC-Nexxt (V3.2.3),EtherCat... and I need to switch(on,off) conveyors,communication between sensor box, control camera cognex....
I need to Kuka like master. What I need to have (Beckhoff)? Without any PLC.
I'm going to testing....
Thanks for your answers
I had got question from my boss if is possible use Weintek screen on kuka krc4 connected via profinet. On the screen will be some informations about number of actually program, number of pieces atc...
I have to create some program which will simulate robot kuka (KRC4) eg: dancing robot .... Does anyone have this program? -
Thank you all.... Krc1 has spline lines? eg. SLIN {x 110, y 30,z 50)?
You mean, why does the rectangular cut have a rounded end, rather than a squared off end?That's simple. Your program is using C_DIS on each motion, for smooth approximation, but you're not setting $APO anywhere. So the BAS(#INITMOV) is setting it to the default, probably 100%, and that means all the motions get rounded off, starting at one half the distance between sequential positions.
Hm... Do you think when i put bas(#initmov, 0) on top of me program it will ok? -
Im trying run milling on KRC1 with help Sprutcam. I created some milling path in sprutcam ....see attachment
The problem is, why I have arc instead of the lines in real test on kuka?
I used 16mm mill tool... -
thank you for your suggestions...the problem has been resolved
how incorrectly? My BASE is : $BASE_DATA[1]=X1800, Y1700, Z750, A0, B0, C0 no rotations axis A,B,C....
Sounds like your robot is not mastered or your base frame is wrong.But... If i recalculated points on (heel of robot) without BASE.... Robot worked well... I really don't know why...
Odoslané z VTR-L29 pomocou Tapatalku
I needed to advise ....
I use the robot for milling. The problem is to generate the program eg. Linear draw using BASE [1] through the postprocessor (Sprutcam) robot is at the Z plane (the tool is perpendicular to the table) at an angle. The split between distance at (approximately 1800mm) is about 60mm!
Measuring tool: $TOOL_DATA[1]=X 0 , Y 216 , Z 105, A -90 , B -90, C0
Measuring base: $BASE_DATA[1]=X1800, Y1700, Z750, A0, B0, C0
$ROBROOT=X0, Y0, Z0, A0, B0, C0 .......
e.g program:
$VEL.CP=0.167PTP {A1 -3.610, A2 -49.807, A3 110.961, A4 0.000, A5 -61.154, A6 90.000, E1 0, E2 0, E3 0, E4 0, E5 0, E6 0}
LIN {X 68 , Y -100, Z 10, A -30, B 0, C-180}
LIN {X 68 , Y -100, Z 0, A -30, B 0, C-180}
LIN {X 68 , Y 100, Z 0, A 30, B 0, C 180} -there is a problem beacause Z axis is not Z0 but is real Z20....why? -
Where i find your tutorial? -
do you think point by point , line by line, circ .....?
hello thanks for your reply.
I need write, such as : "HELLO". You wrote that I need CAD program....I have TopSolid, it is CAD/CAM sw but i understand how does transform XYZ data from CAD or CAM (milling) coorditations to robot. (ex:G1,G2,G3)...I will need some specific program in KRC? -
I have task ... I need write to blackboard a sentence with robot. What are my options for creating a program?