you could do it with interrupts or use TouchSense
Posts by Mr.E
Easiest way to create a global integer is to do it in the config.dat.
KRC > R1 > System > $Config.dat in the 'User Globals' fold.
Here you Declare your variable and initialise with a value, e.g.
DECL INT MyInteger=0
(if you don't give it a value you will get an error when you first try and use it).Then you can use 'MyInteger' in your .src like:
If MyInteger=10 Then
do something
Endif -
When the new robot is powered on, if it doesn't ask for mastering then it will likely be OK assuming that
1) it was correctly mastered before
2) mechanically the robot hasn't been disassembled/reassembled (e.g. the axis motors removed)
3) you have not released or overcome motor brakes, which then ended up an exact whole number of revolutions from it was.However, its best practice to remaster it before you do anything or you may have a big headache when you loose mastering in the future.
The KCP has windows on it. Plug a monitor into the DVI on the control PC to see that.
As for rebooting control PC:
You can just switch cabinet off (wait for it all to go off) then switch back on again
you can logon as expert 'menu > Configuration > User Group' select 'expert', password: usually 'kuka'; Then go to 'Menu > shutdown' and reboot control PC from there.Assuming that this is a KRC4 (also works on KRC2 ed05); the easiest (not the cheapest) way to create an image of the controller is to use a KUKA Image stick
Do you have any documentation for the robot?
From memory, it is not just a case of lining up some notches; It involves firstly entering the mames data (found on the base of the robot), then lining the robot up in the 'pre mastering' position. From here the robot is driven against some bolts/physical stops and the robot is mastered based on the motor current against these stops.
A2 needs measuring from the floor, A4 you need to be careful how the internal wiring looks and A6 needs a special plate with a pin on it to mount to the flange.
If you need some, I will probably be able to dig out some documentation and send you some screenshots of it.
Your cell area must be defined as a 'convex polygon'. Basically meaning that it is a complete shape, of which non of the interior angles can exceed 180Degrees.
It appears that your points 8 and 9 have an angle (interior) of over 180 Degrees. This is probably why the system has altered them.
Easiest way is to download project to WoV. Open the project, delete the robot and select your required one. All mada, etc. will be done for you.
Save and redeploy!
'Inline forms' are simple KRL, put into a controlled structure so that all parameters for robot program execution are there in the source code. you need to log in as 'expert' to modify .dat or enter any 'non in-line form' stuff into source code, all of which is done free from restriction, it is up to you to ensure that what you do is understandable to the controller. I suggest reading the System Integrator manual as a starting point.
to type into the .dat manually press the button that looks like a pen/stylus which brings up the keyboard?! (left hand side of screen)
Create a program, create a ptp and change the name to HOME2, then touch up this point. It will write the X,Y,Z,A,B,C values into config.dat for home2.
Or in display>robot position note the X,Y,Z,A,B,C values and then type them into config.dat (log in as expert).
8.3 System Integrator manual - 4.17.1.
On smartpad display>energy consumption.
This would be very difficult to calculate. When ptp movements are involved, you can't determine the path that the robot will actually take between the 2 points...
Easiest way would be to program your desired path in a spline block; then you can specify a time in which the spline motion is completed (within the limits of the robots capability).
go to:
monitor > variable > single: type "$softp_end[1]". this will show the software limit setting in the positive direction for A1. You can modify value if you require, just be sure that it is before the physical hard stops.
you can then repeat this for $softn_end[1] for the axis travel in the negative direction.
Batteries at 26.5v shows that the charging circuit is working but doesn't mean that the batteries are still good. What is the battery voltage under load - during and after shut-down? Does your robot go through the complete shut-down procedure or does it die the second you turn off the power?
Straight from the manual.
T1 (Manual Reduced Velocity)
- For test operation, programming and teaching
- Velocity in program mode max. 250 mm/s
- Velocity in jog mode max. 250 mm/s
Manual mode is the mode for setup work. Setup work is all the tasks that have
to be carried out on the robot system to enable automatic operation. This includes:
-Executing a program in jog mode (testing/verification)
In Manual Reduced Velocity mode (T1):
-Operator safety (safety gate) is not monitored. T2 (Manual High Velocity)
-For test operation
-Velocity in program mode corresponds to the programmed velocity!
-Jog mode: not possible
In Manual High Velocity mode (T2):
-Operator safety (safety gate) is not monitored.
-Teaching is not possible in this operating mode.
-The programmed velocity is reached when programs are executed in T2
mode. AUT (Automatic)
-For industrial robots without higher-level controllers
-Velocity in program mode corresponds to the programmed velocity!
-Jogging with the jog keys or Space Mouse is not possible. AUT EXT (Automatic External)
-For industrial robots with higher-level controllers (PLC)
-Velocity in program mode corresponds to the programmed velocity!
-Jog mode: not possible -
I think you are talking about 'Check Mastering'. This process checks the zero position of the axis relative to the previous mastering attempt.
This is done using a KUKA EMT (Electronic Mastering Tool) on KRC2 or an (EMD - Electronic Mastering Device) on KRC4. The KR16 uses a 'Standard' size EMD.
There is no hard rule as to the allowed tolerance, depends on your application. -
Probably means 'Steakhaus Chorizo' on Maximilianstrase... steak and jacket potato (papa asada) is unreal!!
Also a great Mexican called 'Enchilada' over the road on Hallstrase (that place will be busy though).
should have delayed your trip until April when the Augsburg Plarrer (beer festival) is on. Global CS normally reserve loads of tables in the Schaller tent = great fun but a rough following morning!! lol
You need to tell the robot how many I/O are for Profinet communication in your Profinet Communication Settings.
Then go into 'IO Mapping' in WoV, on the left, select 'KRC I/Os' - 'Digital Inputs', on the right (under 'field busses' tab) select 'profinet Inputs', and connect the 2 wherever suits. Repeat for Outputs. Deploy project, job done.
No Need to 'add PLC to WoV project'.
With regards to question 2, Software limits are there to protect the robot from hitting the hard stops, the hard stops are there to protect the robot from crashing into itself. I don't think that there are any internal cabling, or other, that the hard stops are protecting through A2 & 3; probably more mechanical protection. For this I would suggest that you do not alter or remove any hard-stops.
For example: I think your A2 will have a counter balance, there could be a point where the rod-eye/pin or rod of the CB could become the hard-stop if you removed the real ones.In short, surely during the design of the cell/process you could raise/lower or move in/out the robot or the work-piece to reach it without the need to butcher a robot?! If not then you need a wrist extension or a different robot, not a cut-up version of the one you have.
You would definitely need to use SafeOperation.
I guess the basic steps would be something like:
Make sure the robot and tools are covered with monitoring spheres, plus mastering and brake tests.
Calculate speeds, stopping distances, etc.
Set-up workspaces with monitored velocities, activated with the safe dual channel inputs from your floor scanner - sent via profisafe or wired to Safe Inputs via safety switching on SIB extended.You would also obviously need to make sure you monitor the space 'inside the cell', not just on the approach.