I like your optimism but no... this is not what you think, it is not "hard-wired" in conventional sense.SmartPad has own controller and safety node. safety devices like E-Stop and enabling switches are wired to the safety inputs of the safety node. this then communicates with KRC over EtherCat...
So basically what i assumed in initial post.
So to wrap up it works more or less like that:
SmartPad is a separate IPC with windows CE installed and is remoting to KRC
SmartPad beeing just a terminal does not hold any KRC configuration, variables and programs etc.
SmartPAd has it's own safety node for eStop, deadman switch and the mode selector switch, it communicates with main safety controller over ethercat FSOE with KRC safety controller
Possible issues might be lack of system admin password, lack of config files for safety devices and possible and most likely a password over safety configuration if the node have an internal controller?