Posts by Vladarius
Yes those are pretty much big robots.. shipping will be expensive..
But with manuals is no problem COMAU provide us full CD with all robots, controllers, programming language manual and maintenance.. if you get from somewhere COMAU robot C5G no problem contacting me for help...
Hello Fraza
I was working with Fanuc and KUKA but COMAU is best for me programming it..
If you want communicate with siemens via Profinet or with PC via TPC protocol its easy..
Comau support is fine but you must anoing them over and over.. I have also contact in linedIn for man from comau
for safety you can add input for safety speed so also in auto mode robot will go slow..
It looks like home position for rail is not good.. can you check actual position of robot and rail and compare with home position in system variables?
Hello, we have one C5GPlus controller and these have no SDM modules anymore.. do you have some standard IO modules?
Tryout Mode is off
i assume the function Weld from Teach Pendant is also on.
..but you are running in 100% right?
yes offcoarse.. but when you have welding off you can go with lower override but when you have welding on you must have 100.. but our robot behave like you have weld off.. no error when you have for example 85 percent just goes slower but no error because override..
It is.. i think is something hidden is some variable.. I let here know..
Hello notverycreative,
I checked interconnect menu and nothing to DO[9].
Nothing simulated..
Strange thing is that i sent to Fanuc service my backup all from above and they told me that simulation in robotguide turn DO9 on with arc start .. but my real robot not..
They told me that they come to my robot and do complete reinstall..
Hello Yes.
I give you pictures in attachment.
I have weird problem with my fanuc robot. Comunication betweed welding powersource is ok .. touch sensing works , gas button, wire buttons ok but when i wand weld robot makes like is welding off.. No error.. even if i make override lower no error appiers.. Welding io are ok.. triing from DO turn on welding process will start but not from arcstart command.. don't know why..
As I said. If you want change that variable.. write program with this command and activate it
$TOL_TOUT := 2000
value will be 2000
why from exec and not from program? It works for me? If you can say? why you want change this variable?
when you write to your program
$TOL_TOUT := 10
it's working?
when it works for you, im glad..
Hello, we allways use one from our customers used Automation Studio on Comau robot and we had to later send APC and one Servo motor to Comau to service repair.. our customer had to pay 2000 euro for repairs