Posts by kiiwa

    I don't know if you can do it via a Robot program.
    The Alternative is to use Windows "Remote Desktop Connection" on your PC to connect to the IIWA, "WIN+D" to minimize the SmartPad UI, double click the "ShutDown" shortcut in the Robot's Windows7 Desktop.
    Do you know the use name and password to log in to the robot, already?

    Can you send from PC--> IIWA but not IIWA --> PC? Did you check your firewall settings?

    what i'm trying to do is obtaining outputs for specific errors from the robot and outputting them directly to the PLC or another HMI. what kind of IO modules/card that i can buy to accomplish so and at the same time keep the existing IOs? note: i already setup the IO inside workvisual and setup the xml in sunrise.

    If you're using Profinet/Ethercat you don't need additional IO cards, they are supported natively on IIWA. Now, you need to know what signals are you sending and interpret them on the PC side.


    2- i did define a user key to make the robot go home but the problem is that i don't know how to override the current running line of code so i can force the robot to go home, is there like a break command that stops the robot from what's it doing or stop the code then when i press home it will go home regardless?

    There's "breakwhen" that you can use with a ForceCondition or listeners for other events.


    3- does the smartpad for the iiwa lbr 14 r820 allow you to create a frame and an end frame? i can create frames easily but i can't create end frames or connect points together to make for example a complete movement, is there a way i can do so? i do see the magnifying glass that should points to the end frame but i don't see anything in the manual that shows how to create a complete movement like 2-3 points within one one frame that goes from point 1 to 2 then to 3 then back to 1 for example?

    You can create only one point/frame using the smartPad. A motion isn't defined by its Start and End points, but by the end point as you can go to the point with different types of motions independently from your start positions. If you want to create a path from a set of points look up "Spline motion type" in the manual or use MoveAsync instead of Move.

    I don't have a robot next to me to test it. I think you're getting to error because you're calling the run() from another run(), without initializing the context:


    No RoboticsAPIcontext initialized. Either inject it or pass it to the tasks' constructor
    at com.kuka.roboticsAPI.applicationModel.tasks.RoboticsAPITask.getContext(
    at application.ImpedanceFS.initialize(


    not in parallel, I simply want it to run another program like it's part of the first program.

    It's in java, so yes, you can do a lot. Here's an example:


    Is there a method for the robot to stay stationary without locking up after ~5 sec of idle?

    I don't know how to do it, but I'm sure it's somewhere in the robot's configuration, like a delay before braking or something. Contact kuka for this if it's very essential to what you want to implement.


    is there a way for it to be constantly sensing/refreshing the value (with or without the slight movement)?

    Yes. Try a background task or a breakwhen with a contactForce condition. The implementation really depends on your application.

    You have this problem because you're trying to use DirectServo and it's not installed on your sunrise Workbench. Here's what you should do:
    - Go to your sunrise workbench installation folder (the one you find in the CD provided along with the robot), it should be in a path like Workbench\options, and follow the steps on the attached images.
    Once its done, re-install your project on the robot, then synchronize your project.

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