Jumping on the thread, thanks everyone for the contributions, tried what @s2007.ravi suggested, it worked on the KR5 Micro. KSS 8.7.5
Posts by kiiwa
install vnc server on the robot and open port 5900. Use Vnc client on the PC side
I'll check if all the solutions suggested above don't work
did you search forum?
PostRE: Remote Desktop on KSS 8.6
Finally, got the success in making RDP work on KSS8.6.9. You have to modify 2 files on the robot controller:
KLIConfig.xml at KRC/Roboter/config/user/common
KagaConfig.xml at KRC/Roboter/Config/System/Cabinet/
Find the lines with the entry:
(Code, 1 line)
and replace it with:
(Code, 1 line)
Please note that there are two entries in the file KagaConfig.xml.
Regardss2007.raviMay 31, 2022 at 4:04 PM I feel silly, I used google with robot-forum after my query
Thanks, I'll try these solutions when I get to the robot this evening. -
Do you have any idea why does it work on some robots and not others?
Windows' Remote desktop connection doesn't work anymore on the robots I worked on recently. It gets stuck on the "Initiating remote connection" and the credentials pop-up windows never shows up.The First one was an 8.6 (can't recall the exact version beyond this) on KRC4 and the second one an 8.6.8 on KRC5 micro .
I'll try what people suggested in the thread mentioned by panic mode and get back to you. -
you need to use IP address from first photo. that is the KLI address. To regain control from smartPad turn smartPAd keyswitch...
Do you have any idea why does it work on some robots and not others?
Windows' Remote desktop connection doesn't work anymore on the robots I worked on recently. It gets stuck on the "Initiating remote connection" and the credentials pop-up windows never shows up. -
It been a while since I used FRI, but to include a Tool in your motion you need to do these steps:
in the "import" section:
inside your Class variables' section:
in initialize()
CodemyTool = getApplicationData().createFromTemplate("_gripper"); myTool.attachTo(robot.getFlange());
Then in run() instead of using
Hope this helps
Chen Wang It's in the "KUKA Sunrise.Workbench 1.5" documentation, Page 207/413.
Code// Put this inside the declaration area private LBR robot; double ForceX, ForceY, ForceZ; // and this inside run() ForceSensorData sensorData = robot.getExternalForceTorque(robot.getFlange()); ForceX=sensorData.getForce().getX(); ForceY=sensorData.getForce().getY(); ForceZ=sensorData.getForce().getZ();
You can use the absolute external forces to the robot if it's a naked flange or relative (if a tool is attached to your robot)
It depends on the use case, you can use Axis torques or Cartesian forces, just be aware of the accuracu issues around singularities.
It's normal, at least on the robots I used. I don't know to what degree of accuracy your need your applications, my needs usually are to detect human touch (a couple of Nm's are enough for me). The real problem is when you try to poll cartesian forces when the robot is next to a singularity position, it sends some crazy values.
Good. I was just confused when, I saw you pinging the *.150 IP.
Yes, some bugs happen. I had my fair share with weird errors, too. Glad you solved it. -
It's the SmartServo that you're looking for.
What's your robot's IP adress? 172.31.147 or 172.31.150?
Did you install the project before synchronizing? -
What kind of Robot/Flange do you have? We have the Media-Flange Electric and it works fine.
For discreet IOs we used a bekhoff EK1100 EtherCAT Coupler along with EL1809 for inputs and EL2809 for output,
Can you post a screenshot of your StationSetup.cat and SafetyConfiguration.sconf?
Check this Thread :
Is there a way to have a robot application execute after start-up? Without having to select it from the drop down menu on the smartpad?
Yes. Select the application you want to run as your default one from Sunrise Workbench (like in the attached photo). This way it's always loaded after start up or when you pass to AUTO mode.
Then to start/stop use External Control via:
• I/O system of the robot controller
• Network protocol UDP
More info in the documentation (e.g. in the KUKA_SunriseOS_116_SI_en.pdf you find it in Chapter 12 External control )
QuoteI am trying to phase out the use of the smartpad, including the smartHMI software.
I'm not 100% sure you can do that