Posts by skalactik

    If the time delay method is fine for the application then go for it as it surely requires less work.

    However i'm only trying to find an alternative solution, purely for the sake of it.

    So to keep on building on top of HawkME remarks :


    Tricking it is not necessary. Just disable the brake timer and it will never go idle. That wouldn't help with an actual servo off event.

    I was starting with the assumption that the brakes were disabled.

    A servo off event happens when there is an estop, fence stop, collision, or program end, etc

    Of course this will not prevent the servo from powering off in the event of an estop, errors and such, that is much certain since these mechanism exist precisely for that purpose. However my understanding of the application is only to prevent them from being off between motions.

    Thus that is where having something to keep the robot busy comes in, no need to stop the program then. Just go back and forth between following the streamed path and the "do not let the robot stop" routine.

    How about tricking the robot into never stop moving in the first place ? Doing very small motion back and forth would prevent the robot from moving into a "servo off event" while looking like the robot is not actually moving ?

    Hello people,

    I've been trying to connect a KOWA SC130EF2 camera to a R30iB Mate plus controller.

    Everything seems to be plugged correctly, yet every time i try to get the video feed i get a "CVIS-722 - The camera specified cannot be found".

    Since I'm not used to this camera and controller model, i might have forgotten something but i cannot seems to find what.

    Can anyone help me with that please ?

    Thank you

    As a rule FANUC advise against using movement commands directly from Karel if possible.

    Thus you have two possibility :
    1- Disregard FANUC concerns and use the command MOVE TO in Karel using a JOINTPOS type variable to directly express coordinate of each axis in joint
    2- Call a simple TPE program with one motion instruction ex. J PR[1] 100% FINE from Karel using CALL_PROG command, set PR[1] as joint representation and input joint coordinate of each axis from Karel using SET_JPOS_REG command before calling the program.

    The FILE_LIST routine is what you are looking for :

    $MNUFRAME store the value of the User Frames. For example $MNUFRAME[1,1] store the value of UFRAME[1] (group 1), $MNUFRAME[1,2] = UF[2] and so on ...
    $MNUFRAMENUM store the value of the selected user frame. For example $MNUFRAMENUM = 3 mean UF[3] is currently selected.

    $MNUFRAME[1,$MNUFRAMENUM] will store the value of the currently selected UFRAME.

    Why not check if any error affect the robot with a CONDITION ERROR[*] statement instead ?

    Also you already have the answer : if the get_tsk_infos return an error (STATUS) then the task doesn't exist.

    I know some libraries exist for programming/using FANUC robot with labview and probably other languages.
    However, all libraries evolve around the same principle :
    A "client" interface is created in the programming language of choice in an host computer. A "server" interface (usually in KAREL) is executed on the robot controller.
    Then both communicate using either Serial, TCP/IP or other data exchange protocols.

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