Hi mattia,
do you have some factory-delivered sheets like the ones depicted in the thread above? these reflect the delivery-state of your robot, and this is what you need to have or try to setup your robot with, if you can assure, that your system corresponds to the system the sheets above originated from.
You NEED TO ABSOLUTELY UNDERSTAND, INHALE AND STRICTLY FOLLOW THE points a) to d) kwakisaki wrote in the message above. I think he wrote it the 100th time as a reply to different askings - all are welcome - like yours.
maybe it sounds a bit rude, but it is for the utmost importance to NOT DO ANYTHING by your own - or, if already done - start from this state and be as informative and precise to describe what the status is.
the are a ton of support threads, where kwakisaki was able to start supporting - but i do not remind one case, where the supported user not did "something more" or "tried a bit else" - what led to several loops and iterations to start all over...