KRC4 project, asz or wvs format, is that possible to turn it into seperate files, src files, configuration files and etc.
Posts by Sakya
I/O error in safe device is definitely wrong.
That causes Safety Stop and you will not be able to move the robot.
You integrated SIB in the robot. What did you use before ? Profisafe ?
Last message PNIO-DEV is referring to robot Profinet/safe configuration being incorrect (PNIO-DEV is robot slave to PLC configuration)If you use SIB for safety you will need to disable Profisafe in WorkVisual.
Yes, I think we disabled Profisafe by deselect 'Active PROFINET device stack' in the communication settings tab, but anyway still get the PNIO-DEV error...
no....acknowledge button needs two normally open contacts, one need to be wired to X1.5 to X11.6, other to X11.23 to X11.24. See forum manuals download section for X11 examples. also this requires setting correct parameter in safety configuration.
Thank you Panic mode, I think we did wire X11.5 to X11.6, X11.24 to X11.23
Is anything wrong with the errors shown on the Pic attached? -
Attached schematics should give you an idea.
Like panic said you need to set it up if robot safety configuration.
Menu->COnfiguration->Safety Configuration -> Hardware -> change "external unit" to "by button"
To test is you need to switch the robot to AUT or EXT when message "Operator gate open should pop up"
In T1 and T2 safety gates are not monitored.
I remembered the safety configuration now is like this:
'SIB, By KRC, External unit'
Before we also tried 'SIB, By KRC, By button', the robot said something like 'safety should be acknowledged', but can not acknowledged by X11.6-X11.5 and X11.24-X11.23
At least we dont get robot stopped when the controller just powered up using 'external unit' -
Hello everyone,
we integrated a SIB board with standard KRC4 cabinet, trying to setup a safety curtain also with acknowledgement function.
X11_4 wired to X11_3 and X11_22 wired to X11_21 through a curtain,acknowledgment using X11_6 and X11_24, is this right? but can not acknowledge the error messages caused by the curtain -
Most likely a hardware issue inside KSP1. You can try checking all the connectors and cables going into KSP1, but if none of them have any issues, you probably need a replacement KSP.
The Harting plug which connects the cabinet and the robot got loosened -
KR16_2 robot with a KRC4 controller
KSP 3×20,KSP 3×20,KPP 1×40
When try to move the robot, got error messages and KSP of 1-3 axises got red lights blinking
Info messages:
‘Motor torque limited by servo (3)’
‘Motor torque limited by servo (2)’
‘Motor torque limited by servo (1)’
Error messages:
KSP Internal error -
The red light refers to the power supply for external axis's brake
Ok, for OUT, you need to initialize them in submit interpreter in the declaration section. You can give whatever values they should have after the cold restart.
Hello RS, perhaps not every time the robot is in home, e.g. the robot is running a subprogram and several IO status has been changed, is that possible to restore them right at that moment, the IO status may depends on where the robot program stops -
You can initialize the outputs you want in submit interpreter declaration section. Or, you can declare variables in config.dat file with a value assignment. For example, DECL INT MY_INTEGER=0. So after the cold restart, the variable will retain its value to the last assigned value before the restart.I hope it helps you.
Maybe I didn't explain my point well, I mean the digital outputs of the symbol table, e.g. $OUT[1]... -
use *.dat to store theri value.
Can you give an example? -
In some cases need to perform a cold restart or IO reconfiguration which leads to IO status lost especially the outputs status, is there any method to restore them quickly? Store the status in the hard drive before and retrieve them again? Is this possible?
What the difference between a KOP extension option package and a smartplugins for KRC 4 ?
Seems OrangeApps are exe files... and they also can be installed by "additional software" button of smartpad ?
How to create them? complicated work? -
We have a new robot and new KRC4 controller, but the controller including the hard disk is not supposed belonging to this robot, the indicator light of the RDC connector is always on with KCP showing "no access to RDC", though I have copied the correct machine data for this robot, the error is still there and the safety configuration also can not be activated
Any fault message in the message buffer
Why the messges come out from KSS***** always couldnt be found using Wov for the project, they are not program controlled ? -
An error event will trigger this signal which is used in the modules to call IR_STOPM () thus stopping the robot in case of any fault.
What are the error events -
No it is a system variable and triggered by system.
What is the condition or reason for the trigger ? -
$STOPMESS is output of the robot which is defined in KRC:\STEU\Mada\$machine.dat, so it is for communicating with PLC? I want to know when will $STOPMESS get triggered by the KRC, is there any logical programming conditions like the normal programs ?
I mentioned about this topic because i found i can understand some problems by searching the messages in the project. According to the program section located by the search, reading them help us to understand why this error message pops out...
But there is also some messages which couldnt be found by the search function of Wov, like messages come out from the system modules like KSS26090 -
How to make it possible ?
I am trying to set up a workspace that I can monitor and when the robot gets outside of the workspace it will stop the robot. My question is when setting up the workspace what is the origin? tcp or robot base?
I think this could be configured in the Wov, double click safety control of the hardhare view tree, You can set up the origin, distance to origin and also the reference system