Posts by TitusLepic

    Keep an eye on the error, maybe your flash drive (F-ROM) is dying...

    I just found out that this started last week, but has been increasingly frequent as time goes on. So I think you might be right about failing flash.

    Have you ever used KCL with Telnet?

    On a virtual robot, I can view FRB: using KCL. I can also copy fro FRB to any other device, but you can't write to FRB:, even using the OVERWRITE command.

    I hadn't before, but just set it up and connected. Interestingly, I have 36 .prp files on the FRB but dir *.pc in MD returns 0 files. In fact, I can't find .pc files anywhere on the controller.

    I'm getting an intermittent MEMO-132 FRB:\R2000F_1.PRP has been broken " VARS-006 Unknown Variable Name " WARN " " error on my RJ3i-B R2000iA-165F. I just found out about this, not sure how long it's been going on but the error log shows it's happened 4 times in the last 5 hours. The operators have been rebooting the robot to clear it.

    MEMO-132 %s has been broken

    Cause: Program data has been broken at the power fail recover.

    Remedy: Delete the program and create it again. Press the RESET key to clear the error. If the error is not cleared, document the events that led to the error and call your FANUC technical representative.

    So the problem is that I have no idea what FRB:\R2000F_1.PRP is, where it is, or anything. If I had to guess, I'd say it sounds like some sort of system file. Right now my best guess on how to fix it would be to do an image restore then reload all my programs; but if there's a better/different way to fix this I'd appreciate any advice I can get. Thanks.

    I have a used robot with no license. When we bought it, we knew we weren't going to be able to add software options or anything like that. It's doing a very basic task, I was able to confirm in RG before we bought the robot that it would work with no options. I have access to myPortal because we also have a licensed robot so I can get manuals and parts lists; If I didn't have that access I wouldn't have bought the used robot. I have no regrets about buying the used robot but I definitely wouldn't have done it if I wasn't sure I wouldn't need any additional options.

    This is only working for controllers with software version older than V9.40. Since software version V9.40 there is a new DCS parameter called "TP Enabling Dev Reset" which secures the $DMAURST variable.

    When changing TP Enabling Dev Reset to ENABLE then $DMAURST automatically also changes to TRUE.

    If the parameter is set to TRUE it is only possible to automatically reset the "Deadman released" alarm. Other alarms reuire to push the reset button.

    Thanks, good to know. All of my experience has been on older controllers.

    That's normal. Set $DMAURST (deadman auto-reset) to true if you want the fault to reset when you pull in the deadman instead of requiring a push of the "reset" button.

    Here's how I do it using bglogic and a macro in one of my robots - replace F[24] with your DI (I have a bit of logic requiring the button to be held for 3 seconds before triggering the robot to go home, which is why it's a F instead of DI in this code snippet).

      12:  !Auto-Homing ;
      13:  IF (F[24:Go Home]),F[14:Cycle stop]=PULSE,0.2sec ;
      14:  IF (UO[6:Fault] AND F[24:Go Home]),F[33:GoHome FaultClear]=PULSE,0.2sec ;
      15:  IF (F[33:GoHome FaultClear] OR F[40:FaultClear Delay]),F[40:FaultClear Delay]=PULSE,5.0sec ;
      16:  IF (F[24:Go Home] AND !F[14:Cycle stop] AND !F[40:FaultClear Delay] OR F[41:GoHome Trigger]),F[41:GoHome Trigger]=PULSE,1.0sec ;
      17:  IF (F[41:GoHome Trigger]),F[42:GoHome Delay]=PULSE,0.2sec ;
      18:  F[25:Call GoHome Macro]=(F[41:GoHome Trigger] AND !F[42:GoHome Delay]) ;

    Here are a couple of articles that explain what is causing your robot to behave the way that it is.

    How is Orientation in Space Represented with Euler Angles? | Mecademic Robotics
    Learn how orientation in space is represented with Euler angles and understand their importance in defining tool reference frames.

    Understanding Gimbal Lock and how to prevent it

    As you noticed, creating the UFrame at a 45° offset to world gives you the behavior you want. I have no idea what your process or part geometry is, but if it's possible to define your UFrame that way that would be the easiest solution.

    You could also set up a condition monitor to look for this condition.

    in your main program, MONITOR condition_monitor_program

    your condition_monitor_program should look like this:

    WHEN ERR_NUM = 15370, CALL alarm_reset_program

    at the end of your alarm_reset_program, MONITOR condition_monitor_program

    I'm not in front of a robot right now, but here's some pseudocode that will do what you want by looping and offsetting the UFrame each iteration. I know newer controllers support FOR loops, but I'm used to being forced to work with jumps and labels so that's what you get.

    PR[x] = P[1]
    R[x] = 0
    UFRAME[1] = PR[x]
    call weld_program
    R[x] = R[x] + 1
    PR[x,1] = PR[x,1] + offset_value
    IF R[x] < number_of_fences JMP LBL[1]

    Alternatively, you could use PR offsets in your weld_program after each point - P[x] motion instructions OFFSET PR[x] and just increment as shown above. That would look something like this:

    PR[x] = LPOS
    PR[x] = PR[x] - PR[x]
    R[x] = 0
    call weld_program
    R[x] = R[x] + 1
    PR[x,1] = PR[x,1] + offset_value
    IF R[x] < number_of_fences JMP LBL[1]

    If I'm understanding right, you want the exact same program to run relative to whichever user frame is active? This is how I do it - keeping the values for the two frames in P[1] and P[2] then copying the appropriate value into UFrame[1]. This way you only have to maintain one program.

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