I can create position easy. I can not save this position.
Posts by bomigaro3
Yes, I can move. But how I can save position this gripper when I create program and move this gripper with robot?
Hi all.
How I can move this gripper in Kuka Sim Pro?
Hi all.
I have palletizing. I want that creator create my detail. Than conveyor move my detail to vertical sensor. Than sensor stopped conveyor. Robot take detail and put it on palette. Creator create my detail again...
I find some information about communication between robot and conveyor components.How does vertical sensor work? I want to stop the conveyor. Why "Wait input" does not work?
Hi all.
Can you help me, please. I am a new user of Kuka Sim Pro.
I have palletizing. I want that creator create my detail. Than conveyor move my detail to vertical sensor. Than sensor stopped conveyor. Robot take detail and put it on palette. Creator create my detail again. Then conveyor started moving. Than conveyor move my detail to
. Than sensor stopped conveyor. Robot take detail and put it on palette...
I saw that information but I do not how I can use it.
"First insert frames from start point( near creator ) to end point ( near grasping position ). Move the second frame to the end point. In behavior tab open path and insert frames in correct order. Start simulation..."
And I find some information about communication between robot and conveyor components.