The problem was in e-stop unit. One of MCC contactors was mailfunctioned. After e-stop unit replacement the problem solved.
The problem was in e-stop unit. One of MCC contactors was mailfunctioned. After e-stop unit replacement the problem solved.
Hi all,
Tp cable replacement didn't solve the problem. The main board and PSU was replaced too, same result....
Hi All, thank you.
This robot has no connections to TBOP3/4/6 Connectors of panel board , it has only jumpers on it.
The TP was replaced and the problem still remains.
I will replace TP cable today.
I am facing with the problem of SRVO-105 . The controller is R30IA with M710IC robot . The controller doesn't have door switch.
No PLC and no external TBOP connections to panel board or e-stop board (all necessary jumpers are present). The robot was working till esterday.
When system powered on in auto mode everything seems to be normal, amplifier enabled and robot is ready to work, but after 2-3 minutes (it is random) the srvo-105 error showing up. With reset it is possible to eliminate it , but sometimes it is back immediately and some times after 1-2 minutes show up again. In manual mode the situation is same.
All recommended steps from trouble shooting manual was done ( panel board , e-stop board, amplifier were replaced , were taken from another working unit). The connectors on E-stop board , panel board and amplifier were checked. The cold start was done.
Nothing helped, the problem still exist.
Any suggestions or recommendations ?
Thank you in advance,
Did you find out what was the problem? I have very similar situation now ...
Thank you very much !
Kindly help with the procedures to be done after changing the Encoder battery . The robot is YS002N B .
If it possible please help with Arm Zero and Motor Replacement Manual.
Thank you in advance .
Did you do everything suggested by Fanuk troubleshooting ? If not , you should try the remedy one by one and tell about the results.
Kindest regards,
Hello ,
Robot Sankyo SR-5427, controller IBM + SPM Sankyo
After beginning of start up routine and pushing power button the servo power supply module turns on (2 green and yellow LEDs lighted) and green LEDs of driver amplifiers modules start lighting - FOR 2-3 SEC , after that the EXCP_SPMPWR massage show up and servo power supply module is off. Is there some one who may be familiar with such a problem ? The AC and DC voltage was checked , connectors and operation of relays ... everifing seems to be normal, but the servo power module turns off...
Please help with trouble shooting .
The problem happened because of Interbus module 3 . The system have 3 interbus modules connected one by one, the 3th one had problematic connector (2 disconnected wires) and was not entering in the work mode , so all Interbus cycle was not working. After welding the wires, Interbus started working (no red leds , only green leds lighted) and Robot (AML/2 ) start up programs boot without error.
Hello ,
I am looking for help regarding problem with SANKYO robot. In the begining of start up we recive error ( see attached picture) and it is stay in such a situation . It is impossible to resume o clear an error , it is stack . Can some one help me to understand the problem and what to do ? I attached the file with 215 line code.
Thank you in advance.
Hello ,
The fuse 2 was tested and found OK , after additional search the real cause of srvo-213 msg was found. The external 24v to E-stop board was absent because of over current relay jumped inside the external electric box of the machine. All this issue happened because some worker decided to swap the TP from one robot to another without shut down the controller .The machine is working fine now.
Thank you all for you help.
Thank you very much , I will try it.
I forgot to mention that I have the A-cabinet . Where is the e-stop board in A cabinet ?
Thank you all , I will try to solve the problem with you help.
Dear All,
Recently I received the srvo-213 error on my r-30ib controller and unfortunately I have no maintenance documentation regarding this controller (may be some one can help with e-doc ?)
Please help me with picture of E-stop board fuse2 place inside the controller or may be page from the manual with explanation ? Any help will be appreciated .
Thank you in advance ,