Sorry for my late reply, I am in a bit of holidays, what I meant was: did you check that the calculation you made in Excel ends up to the correct position/orientation also in Roboguide, and that for different pose with different orientations?
Sorry for my late reply, I am in a bit of holidays, what I meant was: did you check that the calculation you made in Excel ends up to the correct position/orientation also in Roboguide, and that for different pose with different orientations?
Thanks Nation , I will check this out.
I think I already tested the inverse of the normal transform with good result in one direction but not so good in another, but if you have good results with your Excel calculation in Roboguide I will check that again.
I tested so many different ways that I lost count...
If you have time could you check with different orientations to see if it still behave correctly? I don't have access to Roboguide.
Thanks for your time already
I am the developer of the robotic plugin for Rhinoceros 3D: RhinoRobot
I have been making post processors for major brands for 10 years, including ABB, Comau, Kuka, Kawasaki, Staubli, Fanuc, UR, Motoman, etc. , each one with its own syntax and Euler angles convention.
Today I am facing an issue on the mathematical logic behind Fanuc's RTCP:
For almost every other brands remote TCP works in the same way as a normal TCP, the points coordinates and rotations being expressed regarding to a robot mounted frame (usually the A6 flange's frame, but could be another one on the tool itself), along with a specific syntax but with the same mathematical calculations and Euler convention used for a normal TCP of that brand.
For Fanuc RTCP that logic is not working and the resulting trajectory is very weird.
I have tested all the combinations of transformations and Euler conventions I can think of without good results.
I am in contact with Fanuc France but even them don't understand the logic used behind their own RTCP mathematical logic, and they don't want to give me the contact of a Japan colleague who could help.
If anybody here could give me a lead on the Fanuc RTCP mathematical logic, or have the contact of a Fanuc mathematician in Japan or anywhere else, it would be greatly appreciated !
Thanks !