Posts by SharplesR
Are you positive that the stopmove is necessary? I recall needing a startmove, but the stopmove surprises me.
I would suggest hunting around to see if you are tracking the elbow in safemove. It's possible that what's happening is that the elbow is moving faster that 250 during the rotation moves. You may be able to turn it off.
Yeah, adding another While loop that uses a second robtarget would work. That way you don't have to worry about the track being jerky as you try to increment the track position.
I'm not aware of a way to have the track move at a smooth speed down the rail while the robot is executing paths.
what track movement?
Have you tried picking a different robot? Or a different RobWare version?
Why can you not just program the paths with a slower velocity?
One workaround I've heard before is to create custom velocity data sets, and have the PLC feed you a percentage number. The robot then runs a calculation and modifies the velocity as a combination of nominal*percentage.
PLC sends
GI_InputSpeed incoming data = 50
Robot performs
Of course, you would need some extra handling. So that you don't keep incrementing the speed down by stacking the PLC offset commands on top of each other.
System.xml, in the backup folder
PROC your_proc()
VAR num Offset:=0;
VAR num Increment:=10;
VAR num TotalDistance:=1000
While Offset < TotalDistance DO
MoveL Offs(pYourRobtarget,Offset,0,0),v100,fine,tUserTool0;
MoveL Offs(pYourRobtarget,Offset,1000,0),v100,fine,tUserTool0;
MoveL Offs(pYourRobtarget,Offset,1000,0),v100,fine,tUserTool0;
MoveL Offs(pYourRobtarget,Offset,0,0),v100,fine,tUserTool0;
Your question is not at all clear. My guess is that you want to draw a rectangle at some height, then increment up and do it again, until reaching a height of 3 feet. Here is the offset path for the first rectangle.
MoveL Offs(pYourRobtarget,0,0,0),v100,fine,tUserTool0;
MoveL Offs(pYourRobtarget,0,1000,0),v100,fine,tUserTool0;
MoveL Offs(pYourRobtarget,10,1000,0),v100,fine,tUserTool0;
MoveL Offs(pYourRobtarget,10,0,0),v100,fine,tUserTool0;
MoveL Offs(pYourRobtarget,0,0,0),v100,fine,tUserTool0;
You can achieve your desired behavior by simply repeating these lines, with incrementally larger values in the Z field.
If your goal is to achieve the described behavior with as few lines as possible, then you could put this sequence in a FOR loop or a WHILE loop. You could then increment either the original robtarget's Z position, or the workobject's Z definition, until the Z reaches some desired height, at which point it would be reset.
You should probably plug that plug back in.
Heiko, is that you? Hello from America!
A specific use case is when using conveyors to index parts into a robot zone.
During commissioning, the part is placed as close to the desired "locked" position as feasible, and the workobject U-Frame is taught here. For any future indexed parts, it is expected that there will be some variation in the actual position of the vehicle. A vision system can be used to generate offset distances from the original U-Frame, and those offsets are dropped into the O-Frame. This gives an accurate placement of the part every time.
A possible structure, which would require setup with PLC input signals (here named "PLCinput1" and "PLCinput2").
Proc WeldProgram();
The ABB programming language is called "RAPID". Do you see an option to export as RAPID?
Google translate shows:
CodeI am using DELMIA for simulation for my work. I am using ABB Robot on DELMIA. When I finish simulation and want to export program for Robot ABB, but in DELMIA there is no option to export program for Robot ABB. Does anyone know how to export ABB Robot program from DELMIA? please help me. I really need help. Thank you very much!
Are you positive that the correct TCP is being called? have you checked TCP accuracy?
Just a shot in the dark, are there any pdisp instructions being used in the program? Any chance that the reset is not being performed, and you are stacking pdisp instructions for greater accumulated
Along the same line of thought, is there a vision system being used to modify work objects? Or more specifically, is there any evidence that the Uframe or Oframe of the workobjects are being modified on the fly?
what do you mean by "XYZ's"? Once you do a ctrl+F in Robot studio, the window that pops up has a "Replace" Feature as well. If your naming follows any kind of numbering convention (Pos1, Pos2, etc) then you could find all "Pos" and replace with "NewNameHere"
If your naming contains no consistency whatsoever and you are looking to replace everything, the ABB product "ShopfloorEditor" had the ability to convert all robtargets to * points, and then you could build a naming convention and create new points numbered in order. However, ShopFloorEditor is an officially retired software, and most of the functionality has been moved into the software called RobView. In the transition, I don't know if the renaming option survived.
have you defined a tool that has a weight higher than allowed by the YuMi?