ok finally, Found the problem.
The booth cabin safety sensor is broken. fixed it and now running.
ok finally, Found the problem.
The booth cabin safety sensor is broken. fixed it and now running.
Controller: IRC5P
Robot : IRB5510-12
Robotware : 6.15.03
RobotStudio : 2024
Application : Powder spraying
Conveyor Tracking:
1. We created a new module and workobject. But the workobject is not connecting with the conveyor. Robot is in manual mode.
The conveor is active(during startup)
2. workobject is not connected. It says CTerror- object lost.
3. Dropwobj is always high(tried to make it zero, but in background task its written when not connected make dropwobj high). Connected signal is low and the conveyer running is high, but the speed is zero.
offset : 0
startwindow : 1600
minimum distance : -600
maximum distance 20000
My questions:
1. When the robot is in manual mode and when the conveyor is running. can we see the conveyor position in jog window?( or the robot must be in automatic?)
2. when the robot is in manual. I have loaded new module and wobject(Lets say workobject xx). how will the robot know that new workobject xx? should the plc send the program number or is it enough if I load the module to task?
3. My goal is to test the module in manual mode the robot is with convyor tracking: I am keeping the robot in manual mode and make the conveyor to run till 1200 and stop the conveyor then test robot points manually with pendent. Is this correct way to test the module OR the robot must also be in automatic to connect the wobject? Can you recommend a way to test this module in manual.
Thanks for the support and Time.
Controller: IRC5P
Robot : IRB5510-12
Robotware : 6.15.03
RobotStudio : 2024
Application : Powder spraying
My question :
1. I believe its either from the PLC signal for auto is missing or the booth sensor signal for auto is missing. Is this correct or could there be any other possibiities?
Can you please assist us, To find the fault in taking the robot to automatic.
Thanks in advance.
can you please tell X9 in the safemove pro controller box is connected or empty.If connected from X9 to where?. Because in mine X9 is not connected?
Just to know whether its because of this.
I sent safety config file to abb.
They loaded in Virtual computer and they are saying it's stopping for them. which means there is no error in safety configuration. other possibility comes to my mind is wiring.
In our cell, Safety is harware wired. when door is open robot will not got to auto. When Estop pressed robot will not move.
My question:
1. In the safemove pro.for cell violation. do we need to connect to Gs or AS or... through hard wired cable.
we are not using profisafe.
Thanks in advance
software sync is showing in green light
also did braketest after downloading.
Thanks for your reply.
I have added a signal in TPO as you mentioned and tied it to stop configration also .
Unfortunately still the problem is not solved.
Dont know where is the mistake...
Attached the screen shot of stop.
But stop config has nothing to do with tool supervision...
Stop config is only for stopping through ext. signal.
if am wrong plz correct it.
What is wired for me is : I have configured the stop in Tool pos supervision. But only a message is coming for violation and its not stoppting.
attached screen shot from tp
Stupid question first: did you reboot the IRC5 after Writing the SafeMove config to the controller?
YES(when I downloaded the safety config from robot studio to robot. The controller was restarted. Warm restart)
Second question: what safety mode is the robot in?
Safety supervision mode.
When I jog the robot out of cell area. only the message is coming in TP that cell area is violoated and it not stopping.
Can you anyone know the cause why its not stopping?
Thanks in advance.
Hey Kawasaki
Once again am telling that am not focusing on the syntax. am focussing the transformations only.
you have written all the transformation commands.
My main point is
1. Dynamics behind adding two points?
2 Difference between two co-ordinates? Just subtracting two pos will not give you difference. That's 3d dynamics.
3. transforming frames.
Hi Kawasaki,
My point of interest is not in syntax. My point of interest is in transformations. That's why for understanding I wrote frames and point without syntax.
MoveL fruits+orange;; from current position it goes to z100+ in base co-ordinate
DrawT fruits+orange;; from current position it goes to z100+ in tool co-ordinate
MoveL fruits+orange+apple;;;; from current position it goes to z100+ and x100+ in base co-ordinate
DrawT fruits+orange+apple;;;; from current position it goes to z100+ and x100+ in tool co-ordinate
Can you please tell the dynamics of
1. POINT test = test1+test2 ;;;(visually its adding of two pos) what is the dynamics?
2. how to make a inverse of a position? inverse of chocolate? is it aa= -chocolate or ..?
3. aa=-chocolate+teashops. will give the difference between the pos. correct or ?
Let's Say
Frame testframe (200,100,500,45,56,90)
tool alpha (50,50,100, 10,0,0)
point apple = Trans(100,0,0,0,0,0)
point Orange = Trans(0,0,100,0,0,0)
teashops (456,234,598,34,23,78);;;Teached pos
chocolate(45,34,45,60,67,110);joint pos reached
frame addframe(100,0,100,0,0,0)
tool alpha
MoveL testframe+teashops;; Move to teashops with respect to testframe. with the alpha TCP
here testframe+fruits ; records the current position with respect to testframe and with alpha TCP
MoveL fruits+orange;; from current position it goes to z100+ in base co-ordinate
DrawT fruits+orange;; from current position it goes to z100+ in tool co-ordinate
MoveL fruits+orange+apple;;;; from current position it goes to z100+ and x100+ in base co-ordinate
DrawT fruits+orange+apple;;;; from current position it goes to z100+ and x100+ in tool co-ordinate
point chocolate=#chocolate,teashops;;Converts the chocolate joints to cartesian with teashops configuration.
frame newframe=testframe+addframe ;; adding x100 and z100 to the testframe.
MoveL newframe+chocolate; moves the TCP to chocolate with respect to newframe.
1. Is the comments wrote behind the command are correct ? If not please correct me.
2. How to find the difference between two position? is it aa=chocolate-teashops??
3. how to make a inverse of a position? inverse of chocolate? is it aa= -chocolate or ..?
Thank you.
Thank you.
As far us I understood
for joint toCartesian
point Pcartesion=#PJointvar
For Cartesian to joint
point #PJointvar=PCartesian
1. am I correct?
2. While converting from joint to cartesian. Does it gives the value with world frame and null tool OR ..?
3. While converting from joint to cartesian. How to convert to cartesian with specific to certain tool and frame?
4. In Kawasaki is there forward and inverse transformation function?
Thanks in advance
Can you please tell me in kawasaki how to calculate Cartesian from joint?
how to calculate apple with reference to tool and a frame?
Thank you
Can you please tell me what is the syntax for user defined function?
For Eg
.DEF testfunction(.apple,.orange)
Return .Result
so whatis will be 5. I made a syntax error in user defined function.
Can you please tell me what is the function of the user defined function?
Can you please tell me what is the software variable for collision detection? And the variable to set the collision detection?
Note: am not talking about turning on through teach pendent
for eg,
If (colldectionvariable=off then
Thanks in advance
I need to pack different type if variables in one. For eg,
In KUKA = it’s called STRUCT. STRUCT variable1 int v1, bool: v2,v2, Real :v4,v5
In comau its called=Record.
Record variable1
Int v1,v2
Bool v3,v4,
Real v5,v6,
END Record
Thanks in advance.
Currently I am taking FTP autobackup through port1(data port) and working.
But when i connect it to port2 then its not working.
Can anyone tell how to change the autobackup from port 1 to port2? OR in kawasaki autobackup is only from port1?