thankyou very much
Posts by pan
OrangeApps thanks for your time
OrangeApps do you know if any of these parts could help me to change the language from german to english?this is my first problem for now
thanks for the reply
thanks for the reply Schilberg. when you say equipment what exactly do you mean? do you mean the software?
is it true that if you want to change language on krc32
(from german to english for example)
you must send the part where the software is, from the board,
to kuka?i can t change the language to english and start work on it
i made the robot work only when i did the new calibrarion.before the robot could work at all.i don t know if there were another i don t know anything about the old programms or the home position.however the retraction seems to be in a normal position with the new calibration(i mean it doesn t heat anywhere). i think i made correct calibration.every axle in the zero point exactly. the tool calibration with a for point programm and now i stuck in the base calibration. i don t know if i understand goog but isn t it a stable point near the robot?and i must teach that point as base?i can do it only with coordinates?is there any other way?
thanks panic mode. today i made tool calibration. i will search about base calibration now
panic mode do you mean that i should calibrate the tool also so the program could run ?
no nothing else. just the 6 axles. tool calibration is in my next steps
Fubini sorry but i m very new to the robot world and i don t know what is " $config.dat " . yes my archive was made before the new calibration.was made 3 years ago. and never work in the middle. so everything was off. and the memory battery also.
Joan Murt i have the kuka device for calibrarion. i made the calibration on every axle exactly on the zero point. and my programs work even if i do calibration again and again. something else , the program that doesn t work is not just wrong . it s very very wrong. i m very away for the points that i sould to be. far away. and even if i m new learner i can t i,agine how is ti so far away. that s the reasonn that i consider if i missed something.
thank you for your time
all of you -
there isn t any error. i do calibration of all axles and everything is ok. but the old programm is running out of points. hit on the material and things like that. the old program was made from someone else not from me. my programms works fine. i start to suspect that he did the wrong calibration and his programm is write for the calibration that he did but not for the calibration on the correct points( zero points of every axle that i did).
thanks for your time
i made axle calibration on vk 360 vrs1 and the old programms doesn t work. every point is in wrong position. is it normal or i did something wrong when i calibrate the axles? the robot works fine i made some new programs and everything is fine. but i can t run the old programms
hi . does anyone knows about calibration on kuka vk 360 with vrs1b controller?
i need your help.
and what ever you can tell me on kuka vk 360 with vrs1 for start working.
programming manual or any other informationthanks for your time