Did you solve your problem? I am also having the error when trying to create server to the robot side with EthernetKRL 2.2.9.
What makes this weird is that with a bit older version (2.2.6 tested) I have no errors with same code, same XML...
Did you solve your problem? I am also having the error when trying to create server to the robot side with EthernetKRL 2.2.9.
What makes this weird is that with a bit older version (2.2.6 tested) I have no errors with same code, same XML...
1. ping works and settings match.
2. Windows 7. I open resource management and type the IP to the field on top of the window. \\ip1.ip2.ip3.ip4 .
Result: I am at the root of the robot and I can see C and D and Roboter folders at the resource management.
3. I am 90% sure that IT is not the issue here since I tried also with another computer with uber user rights. I also tried without firewalls. Sure there might be things which I missed but I have never faced this problem before.
So for me it looks like that the robot is blocking my request to see the content of C and D.
I wanted to have the access because I was going to edit the programs in my computer with Notepad++. The KSS in this robot is so old that Online editing of WorkVisual is not supported. But since this started to look impossible, I kinda gave up with this and just started to program using external keyboard attached to SmartPAD.
Any idea why I'm not prompted the user name and password?
Yes I know the password and username already but I cannot type them anywhere! I don't get the popup where you could type them.
Thanks for your answer. I have done all this and I am able to find the drives with the robot IP address. But I cannot type the username or password anywhere. Instead, I get an error telling me that I don't have a permission to access the drive.
I cannot access the hard drives with external PC. I can find the root of the robot and see both C and D partitions. Both are shared from the robot side and all the permissions are granted. But when I double click any of the partitions, I receive an error which tells me that I don't have permission to access. I remember that you should type the user name and password when accessing C drive but I don't receive the login window at all.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
KR C4 compact
KSS: 8.3.10
Thank you! I'll test that.
By the way, are these parameters documented somewhere? I was not able to find them from the System Variables documentation.
I have an application where robot measures workpieceses with measuring devices. In normal execution the robot runs to a position, waits and measures, then runs again and waits again. The problem is that the robot switches servos off when it does the measurement.
Is there any parameter available to increase the time that the robot can wait before switching the servos off? I'm working with KRC4 compact.
Hi all. I am working with a program, which has quite many group outputs for sending data from the robot to PLC. It is quite painful to keep setting and resetting the outputs all the time, so I was wondering that is it possible to simplify this with a for loop.
I have something like this.
VAR num outputBuffer{30};
SetGO go1,outputBuffer{1};
SetGO go2,outputBuffer{2};
SetGO go3,outputBuffer{3};
SetGO go30,outputBuffer{30};
Would it be possible to somehow loop it like this?
ABB has an option called Multitasking. You can define your own task which runs on background like SPS.sub does. You can define up to 20 different tasks.
Could be a bit tricky, since this external axis is used to lock workpieces with different length. Therefore the supervision zone should change. IO signal would be easier since it is already available.
I have a robot cell including a couple of external axis.I have an input-signal, which is used in automatic mode to stop one of the axes into correct position.
Sometimes the operator jogs the same axis in manual mode. I would like to use the same signal in manual mode as well to stop the movement since the operator can cause damage to the
equipment by over-jogging the axis.
I think the stopping can be done with interrupts, right? But more confusing part is what to do _after_ the stop. I think it is not possible to block one direction as long as the signal is high?
I have multitasking available.
Nevermind, it seems to work now. I think it had something to do with data initialization.
Writing a file works now. Excel had some nice functions which made parsing the data quite simple.
I started to test that SWRITE function but I get every time an error KSS01429 String too long. What am I doing wrong?
I am trying to create a string which I use as a variable for a file name since it would make my life easier if I were able to create separete files depending on the orientation of the tool.
Some code below. I was figuring out that it has something to do with the length of fileName but I am not able to find a way to avoid the error.
Moreover, the length of the file can have a different number of letters (pos0.txt or pos45.txt")
DECL CHAR fileName[15]
DECL INT fileOffset
; Read orientation in degrees to tilt
; Define file name
IF (tilt < 0) THEN
; Create file
CWRITE($FCT_CALL, STAT, MODE, "krl_fopen", fileName[], "w",HANDLE)
; Write file
FOR I=1 TO bufferSize
CWRITE($FCT_CALL, STAT, MODE, "krl_fprintf", HANDLE, "%f", buffer[I])
; Close file
Display More
Any ideas?
Thank you. I figured out that that there should be a way to write these control characters but manuals didn't help me too much in doing that. Not that experienced in file operations in general.
I need help in writing a file with CWRITE. My goal is to write an array of 1000 elements into a file, one value at one row. Values are readings from analog signal (0.0-1.0). I need to transfer the values for further processing in Excel.
I tried this
DEF writeFile ( )
; Read sensor
FOR I=1 TO bufferSize
WAIT SEC 0.001
; Create file
CWRITE($FCT_CALL, STAT, MODE, "krl_fopen", "laserReadings.TXT", "w",HANDLE)
; Write file
FOR I=1 TO bufferSize
CWRITE($FCT_CALL, STAT, MODE, "krl_fprintf", HANDLE, "%f", buffer[I])
; Close file
Display More
This puts all the values in one row. Let's say I have three values 0.111, 0.222, 0.333. The resulting file has one string 0.1110.2220.333.
Any suggestions how to add a linebreak after every value?
KR C4 compact
KSS Version 8.3.27
I am searching for a solution for finding a tooth of the gear with a robot. The robot needs know the position of the gear in order to perform its task. I was thinking that would integrated vision be suitable for this kind of application? Does anyone have any experience? Or would there be another good ways to go?
You are right that my voltage range is not the best for my problem. But since this is just a research project just for studying the accuracy issues, I can manage with this setup.
Big thanks for pointing out that base shift. I got already meaningful results with minimal programming and I didn't waste anymore time in learning Function Generator.
I have a case where I need to adjust the position of the robot based on the analog signal from laser. In my case, I have a laser which gives a signal from 0V to 10V. First, robot moves to a position and then it checks the signal. If robot is at correct distance, the signal is around 5V. Otherwise the robot should try to fix its position itself based on the signal.
I was thinking about using a function generator, but I have problems understanding it. I understand the basics, but I have no idea how to scale the signal properly. Does anybody have any experience with similar setup? Moreover, is the function generator suitable for my case at all? Can I use it in stop points or is it more for correcting the position on a path?
I faced similar issue. I received an error KSS01327 and a message telling that file format is not correct in tm_bib.dat file. I took a backup and opened the file on my computer and it appeared to be full of null values. Any idea what would cause the situation?