Hola, el urcap se ha de generar desde la plataforma UR+.Yo lo he generado, y aunque se instala correctamente y me sale el urcap colored folder, simplemente me genera un codigo html pero mi carpeta queda igual sin color. ¿es el codigo valido para la serie Ur10e? ¿como se asocia a la carpeta creada este codigo generado en formato html?
I attached example code (text in spanish):
private ICondition gesto;
IMotionContainer mc3;
private CartesianImpedanceControlMode soft2;
private int sentido = 0;public void initialize() {
j1 = new JointTorqueCondition(JointEnum.J1, -15, 15);
gesto = j1;
}public void run() {
IMotionContainer mc3 = lbr.move(positionHold(soft2, -1,
if (mc3.hasFired(gesto)) {if (lbr.getExternalTorque().getSingleTorqueValue(JointEnum.J1) > 0) {
getLogger().("movimiento derecha");
sentido = 1;
} else {
getLogger().error("Movimiento izquierda");
sentido = 2;
switch (sentido) {
case 1:
getLogger().info("Inicio programa movimiento derecha");
case 2:
getLogger().info("Inicio programa movimiento izquierda");
getLogger().error("Orden no confirmada");
I am attaching a programming example to activate the gripper
I am attaching the configuration of the robotiq two-finger gripper corresponding to the file Robotiq_AG_ECS.xml.The configuration file is made with version 3.0.9 of workvisual.
I hope it helps you, I connect to the first -
I want to define a work space Cartesian, image as attachment, for a robot monitored structure.
knowing the distance of the origin work space Cartesian and values a, b, c (Cube image attached), what are the values and signs about X, Y, Z and parameters length, width and height , I have to write?
thanks -
I want to do is display the value of the force made by the robot in Z while making a path.
ForceSensorData data =lbr.getExternalForceTorque(lbr.getFlange());
Vector force1=data.getForce();
double forceInZ=force1.getZ();
getLogger().info("Force=" + forceInZ);but I do not visualize "Force =" at any time. Can it be because the time to be lower for example 10ms?
initializeCyclic(0, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
CycleBehavior.BestEffort); -
By default, the limit of the axis 7 is given by -175, +175 .Is it possible to change these limits?
Thanks for the quick answer.
Now I can not check the positions of the robot in joints (I'm on vacation for three weeks). But according to the new video, I was moving the robot at baseline (without a base change) and then executed turns 90 degrees and as seen in direction -270.
According question, the axis 7 then would be > 85º, and 85º + 90º = 175º so continuous in the other direction, right?
I attach the program code -
I made a simple program, a point P1 which starts at X 0 Y 0 Z 0 A0 B0 C0 (same origin as the base) and moves to a P2 (X0 Y100 and Z0 A0 B0 C0) .
When I turn the base 45 (on A) is done ok (see first motion video) but when I turn 90,
performs -270 ° swivel.
Why not rotated 90 ° in the same sense that when I turn 45?
As I know the energy (wh) consumed by a robot is running?
The + X and + Y of my user coordinate system is parallel to the robot world. Why the Z direction is wrong, if it is correct the right hand rule?
can You schedule a backup image? Ex: by a digital signal that comes from a plc as is done on a autobackup
I use program shift function with rotation to move the letter U at the end of the word like an A.But results in the conversion of the program, that the points are displaced with rotation about Z and the tool tries to make the upside down U but below the table.In change if the tool change working direction (tool in + Z) does well. Why?
Thanks,very good
I know that it serves the string registers.
Program title
CALL UP004 ('Water')Subprogram UP004
SR [1] = [ar1]¨and DATA I see that SR[1]= Water
My question is that practical utility has the SR [1] as well as understand its functioning
thanks -
HandlingTool version 7.7
Is There any variable to move in joint or XYZ when I press the jog an exact amount of degrees or mm?