What type of a sensor do you have?
Perhapse you use wrong value of "Calib Variable Name" in optical sensor propertes.
Posts by Forgeur
Hi, Davo.
Try use a <2 Gb usb stick.
You can install:
1. If you use the sensor with Arc welding commands.
660-1 Optical Tracking Arc
Integration of Tracking functionality into RW Arc.Or
2. If you use own commands.
813-1 Optical Tracking
Integration of Tracking functionality into CAP
628-1 Sensor Interface
Communication interface, LTC* and RAPID instructions
Included in options 660-1 and 813-1.ABB use LTAPP protocol for comunication with a laser traking sensor by RS-232 or Ethernet.
ABB ID of documantation which you need:
3HAC031094-001 Laser Tracker Calibration Interface
3HAC16591-1 Arc and Arc SensorUnfortunately I have not got more opened documets.
If that help you below the description of LTAPP for the Scansonic TH6D sensor.ID Variable Description Read / write
1 Version =0 Read
4 Ping Check if sensor ready Write
6 Start Start seam tracking (on = 1, off = 0) Read / write
7 Pause Unused Can only read. (on = 0, off = 1) Read
8 X Measurement data (average of 3 measurements) Read
9 Y Measurement data (average of 3 measurements) Read
10 Z Measurement data (average of 3 measurements) Read
11 Gap width Measured data Read
12 Step height Measured data Read
13 Surfaces Measured data Read
16 Seam ID Seam number Read / write
17 Time Time stamp, unsigned word, time difference since the last
18 C Measured data Read
19 Unit 0 = 0.1 mm, 1 = 0.01 mm Only valid for Y, Z, gap width and
step height
Read / write
51 B Measured data Read
52 A Measured data Read
53 Flange Column width Read
54 X0 Measured data (from first line) Read
55 Y0 Measured data (from first line) Read
56 Z0 Measured data (from first line) Read
57 X1 Measured data (from second line) Read
58 Y1 Measured data (from second line) Read
59 Z1 Measured data (from second line) Read
60 X2 Measured data (from third line) Read
61 Y2 Measured data (from third line) Read
62 Z2 Measured data (from third line) Read
There is not need any aditional hardware for connect a sensor system to a robots cotroller. -
Hello Neel.
I think it's not possible, because executions time is linked with the activation relays switch on/off.
Sorry, I didn't undestand clearly. Display (touch screen) is consist two parts - a matrix and a touch sensor. Maybe the touch sensor is fault. You can order their separately.
For initialization CP parameters enough call INI one time at start programm. It is not necesssary in each subprogramm.
If you would like to test just a subprogramm do it in T1 mode use code by Panic mode.
Let try take a lamp then to light to display. If you can see a image on it, so the led in lcd is fault, else need search in another way.
Yes, you can do it.
Same method are used in KUKA robot. -
to bdeible194Additional you need to define a posiotion of the positioner relative to the manipulator. For this go to menu - calibration - base frame. I have got the manual, if you send me your e-mail adress I can send it.
After that work in a workobject attached to center of the positioner's flange.
Let try use this code. I have checked in RobotStudio, it works.
Display MoreMODULE mainModule PERS wobjdata wobj_temp := [FALSE, TRUE, "", [[806.292, 0, 1154],[0.5, 0, 0.866025, 0]],[[0, 0, 0],[1, 0, 0, 0]]]; PERS tooldata tool_old:=[TRUE,[[0.18516941,0,349.945657542],[0.923879533,0,0.382683432,0]],[3,[0,0,100],[1,0,0,0],0,0,0]]; PERS tooldata tool_new:=[TRUE,[[70.8958,0,420.656],[0.92388,0,0.382683,0]],[3,[0,0,100],[1,0,0,0],0,0,0]]; VAR robtarget pPresent; PROC main() pPresent:=CRobT(\Tool:=tool0 \WObj:=wobj0); wobj_temp.uframe.trans := pPresent.trans; wobj_temp.uframe.rot := pPresent.rot; pPresent:=CRobT(\Tool:=tool_old \WObj:=wobj_temp); pPresent:=reltool (pPresent, 0,0,100); !Instruction for move along tools coordinat system. In this case move along Z-axis. More please lock documentations. tool_new.tframe.trans:=pPresent.trans; tool_new.tframe.rot:=pPresent.rot; ENDPROC ENDMODULE
Please check calibtation of your robot. May be it's wrong.
Yes, you can do this. I use Acronis True Image and a USB cardreader. You must copy two discs from a sdcard - boot and systems.
If your sdcard has more than 256 Mb capacity of memery, you can install several systems.
For IRB580
In a wrist and a balancing spring roller used Kernite K-NATE NLGI-2 grease for lubricating. 1 g into each nipple.
In 1-3 axes used Mobil MobilgearTM 600 XP 320. Axis 1 - 3 liters, 2-3 axis - 5.4 liters.I have not any information for IRB 540 .
Hello everybody.
Who is a manufacturer this positioner (find in the attachment) for robots in Europe?
Is it possible use Weldguide III with Tandem welding? Can the сurrent second wire in the pool influence the data from first line where installed the sensor?
We are going to weld a long seam 6 metrs in thick metal.
From documentation of KRC2ed2005 (p.83):
QuoteThe robot controller must only be connected to a power system with a clockwise
rotating field. Only then is the correct direction of rotation of the fan motors
ensured.You could use device for control rotating phase like in attach
Yes, I confirm this.
-You must have calibrated TCP of a tool (only TCP is enough) for calibrate Base.
- Yes, this line in program -
So, second variant.
1 step - calibrate Base[1] on the plate as show on picture.
2 step - select programCodePTP P1 Vel=20 % PDAT1 Tool[0] Base[1]:cam_plat; halt $base=BASE_DATA[1]:{x 0,y 0,z 0,a 0,b 90,c 0} $ipo_mode=#tcp TOOL_DATA[1]=$pos_act $ipo_mode=#base $tool=TOOL_DATA[1]
3 - move tip of mill in original Base and align using rectangle
4 - TouchUp point P1
5 - execute the programNow Tool 1 equal Base 1.
Geometric operator used to rotate the axes as you wish.