Ok, looks like it'll be the old way untill I'll figure some other way around this.
Anyways, thanks for your replys SkyeFire
Ok, looks like it'll be the old way untill I'll figure some other way around this.
Anyways, thanks for your replys SkyeFire
There is no extra tech packs installed. The STRTOE6POS did however copy the coordinates of the point specified in string prevPointName[] into the pos_newPoint but that was quite the opposite what I was after.
Is there any reversed functions around this?
Something like E6POSTOSTR perhaps?
Avataanpas tämä suomenkielinenkin osio, niin jos muutkin tohtisi tänne kirjoitella Tuskin kuitenkaan olen ainoa suomalainen täällä, niin ilmoittakaa muutkin olemassaolostanne.
Itse olen vajaan vuoden päivät työskennellyt KUKA KR90:n ja Haeger 824 OneTouch-3:n parissa ohutlevymekaniikkaa valmistavassa yrityksessä. Minkäänlaista varsinaista koulutusta robotiikasta en ole käynyt.
Anyone has any ideas how to get this working or am I chasing ghosts here?
I also tried getting the point name from $PRO_IP.P_NAME[] as asimo instructed here but that gave an error "P_ARRIVED value unknown" or something like that...
DEF new_cycle_test( )
;FOLD PTP HOME bla bla inline bla
;this in the beginning of riveting
;FOLD LIN P12 bla bla inline bla
;and this in the end of riveting
;this is only for visual confirmation
;FOLD LIN P12 bla bla inline bla
UNTIL single_drive==TRUE
;FOLD PTP HOME bla bla inline bla
DEF riveting (numVar[]:OUT)
INT null
E6POS e6posVar
CHAR numVar[]
CHAR prevPointName[24]
prevPointName[] = "XP"
null = StrAdd(prevPointname[], numVar[])
;toolready() ;checking that the right haeger tool is ready for fastening
if base_data[32].z==$world.z then
halt ;something is not right...
LIN above_pin
LIN above_pin
;step below handles the position correction and haeger commands and is disabled for testing purposes
;IF teaching==TRUE THEN
; IF ((pos_newPoint.X<>above_pin.X) OR (pos_newPoint.Y<>above_pin.Y)) THEN
pos_newPoint.x=pos_newPoint.X+100 ;only for testing
$flag[1]=strtoe6pos(prevPointName[], pos_newPoint) ;this is what I tried but obviously it worked in the opposite way I was hoping
LIN above_pin
;lower_tool_check() ;checking that the Haeger lower tool didn't get stuck with the fastener
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EDIT: Something goofy happened during copypaste... Should look ok now.
Hi everyone!
This is my first post on this forum and I have only less than a year of robot experience. We have a KR90 with KRC4 controller and a Haeger 824 OneTouch-3 fastener insertion machine trying to get along.
The actual question I have been working on for some time is making small corrections to different points. I managed to get the points name in a string variable but couldn't get the new position written into the with the name in the string...
If this doesn't make any sense it could be my just english or the poorly slept last night.
I'll include a piece of my test program when I get to the computer since I'm typing this from my cell phone.