Posts by adeyan

    sir,I list my siting as program, please help me point it out my bad point:
    .PROGRAM pinwheel()
    wait rotate_num>0
    count = 1
    countb = 1
    10 counta = 1
    20 HOME
    IF countb<=rotate_num THEN
    i = 1
    i = 0
    SIGNAL -9
    WAIT SIG(1012)
    JAPPRO #pick,350
    WAIT SIG(1003)
    LMOVE #pick
    SIGNAL 9
    WAIT SIG(1011)
    WAIT SIG(1013)
    LAPPRO #pick,350
    PULSE 3,1
    ; WAIT SIG(1039)
    JMOVE s1
    ; JMOVE s2
    IF x<=864 THEN
    m1 = 1/2*x-432
    m1 = (x-864)/2
    POINT pw1 = SHIFT(put_o BY -1/2*y-1/2*sp+m1,-1/2*x-1/2*sp,(count-1)*z)
    POINT pw2 = SHIFT(put_o BY -1/2*x-1/2*sp,-1/2*y-1/2*sp+m1,(count-1)*z)+RZ(-90)
    CASE i OF
    VALUE 1:
    IF counta==1 GOTO 30
    IF counta==2 GOTO 31
    IF counta==3 GOTO 32
    IF counta==4 GOTO 33
    VALUE 0:
    IF counta==1 GOTO 34
    IF counta==2 GOTO 35
    IF counta==3 GOTO 36
    IF counta==4 GOTO 37
    30 POINT put = SHIFT(pw1 BY 0,0,0)
    GOTO 40
    31 POINT put = SHIFT(pw2 BY x+sp,0,0)
    GOTO 40
    32 POINT put = SHIFT(pw2 BY 0,y+sp,0)
    GOTO 40
    33 POINT put = SHIFT(pw1 BY y+sp,x+sp,0)
    GOTO 40
    34 POINT put = SHIFT(pw2 BY 0,0,0)
    GOTO 40
    35 POINT put = SHIFT(pw1 BY y+sp,0,0)
    GOTO 40
    36 POINT put = SHIFT(pw1 BY 0,x+sp,0)
    GOTO 40
    37 POINT put = SHIFT(pw2 BY x+sp,y+sp,0)
    40 LAPPRO put,450
    LMOVE put
    SIGNAL -9
    TWAIT 0.5
    WAIT SIG(1012)
    ; WAIT SIG(-1013)
    LAPPRO put,450
    ; JMOVE s2
    JMOVE s1
    counta = counta+1
    TYPE 2: counta,countb
    IF counta>=5 GOTO 50
    GOTO 20
    50 count = count+1
    IF countb<2*rotate_num THEN
    countb = countb+1
    countb = 1
    IF count>layer GOTO 60
    GOTO 10
    60 return

    I faced some questions,so please help me.
    And the main program is this:
    .PROGRAM pg0()
    (****main program*********)
    1 HOME ;ready to pick
    WAIT SIG(1038) ;start from plc
    SPEED 100 ALWAYS ;
    RESET ;reset
    IF count>layer GOTO 1
    if == 1 then
    call two_box
    if == 2 then
    call three_box
    if == 3 then
    call pinwheel
    if == 4 then
    call five_box
    if == 5 then
    call six_box
    goto 1
    .PROGRAM autostart.pc() #8
    WAIT SIG(2)
    WAIT SIG(1)
    WAIT SIG(1035)
    MC execute pg0
    if I call two_box program(sub_program),and the robot has exists error,and it's stoped, how can I return my main program (pg0),now I using teach peadent return
    my main program or switch off the main switch of robot, and reboot the robot system. I don't wanna using teach peadent, please help me

    many thanks to you
    maybe you misunderstand my view, so bits command is one by one from bit, and I wanna no using bits command,because teach pendant of adress is limited, it's have 8 words ,and 1 words it's a system spare. so I can use 7 words, the cc-link system exists two kinds of data type : bit and integer, so I diriectly using integer ,but I dont't know what's the adress about kawasaki robot, but the teach pendant has displayed the data: 1-16.

    if I have 4 points p1,p2,p3,p4 p1 pick point p2 pick high postion p3 put point p4 put high postion,and it's must be sequence from p1-p4,if p3 jump to p1, maybe put the machine broken, that's a diaster
    So, I encounter this question ,and I wanna know how to solve it ?
    I expected this :
    I have 10 kinds of as program, so I must change this ,but sometimes must press the emergency button ,so robot's location it's uncertain.
    So I must design a safe operation mode,and it must protect the people and machines ,and how to do it ?

    I'm a new kawasaki robot users,I faced some difficulty,I list this:

    I can read the bits from the robot,just like BITS(1089,8),I use cc-link from plc,but bits numbers it's limited,I wanna read a integar from robot,but
    I don't know what instructions I can use ?
    I screened some picture,please help me
    I input 1-16 numbers from HMI, and the teach pendant has displayed the number,but I dont't know what instructions I can use ?

    hi,I'm a new kawasaki learner,So I faced a problem,I list this
    1 HOME
    count = 1
    10 JAPPRO #pick,200
    WAIT SIG(1005)
    LMOVE #pick
    TWAIT 0.5
    LAPPRO #pick,200
    PULSE 5,1
    IF count >= 4 GOTO 20
    POINT nige = SHIFT(put_o BY (200+50)*(count-1)+70,-70,70)
    ;WHY X SIDE +70,Y SIDE -70,Z 70

    POINT put = SHIFT(put_o BY (200+50)*(count-1))
    GOTO 30
    20 POINT nige = SHIFT(put_o BY (200+50)*(count-4)+70,(200+50)+70,70)
    ;WHY X SIDE+70,Y SIDE +70, Z SIDE +70

    POINT put = SHIFT(put_o BY (200+50)*(count-4),(200+50))
    LAPPRO nige,200
    30 LMOVE nige
    LMOVE put
    OPEN 1
    TWAIT 0.5
    LAPPRO put,450
    count = count + 1
    IF count >= 7 GOTO 40
    GOTO 10
    PULSE 6,1
    count = 1
    GOTO 10
    and LMOVE put - It's a final put action,So LMOVE nige what's for?

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