Thank you, we ended up putting the original back on for now. My robot integrator had suggested when receiving the error, move the program pointer to the second ArcL\On and press play. He said after that the welder should return to its home screen, but that seems it may be skipping part of the traveling speeds?
Posts by WeldEngineer88
Hey guys,
Needing help Calibrating a new power source to my IRB 2400. I am new to ABB, efficient in Fanuc. I changed out the power source from an old one and the welds were of course not in spec. I powered down the power supply and restarted with the ROBT CAL screen ready for the Robot to run the program. I wrote the program just like the miller book shows, had some issues with the weld schedules not showing up in the screen viewer page after setting those up in the weld data screen. Anyways, even though, I ran the program and the ABB gave me an arc start failure. I was under the assumption that the Miller would take over and the ABB would not be giving these alarms under this ROBT CAL function. Is there something i missed? -
Im having an issue with the touch sensing option on my ABB robot. The frustrating part is sometimes it works and sometimes it dont. I have traced all the wires to the best of my knowledge and am out of options. I am starting to believe it is on the miller side rather the ABB brains.
So i have the robot set to search the work piece and before touching i have 39V at the nozzle and Wire (Im using both), when the nozzle makes contact i have 0 volts. The issue is the 24V signal back from the Miller is apparently not coming through every time. What could be some things i could check?