Posts by Thescoe

    Seems odd that they didn't suggest that it was a signal from a switch or a PLC and to check your electrical drawings to see what input, and/or get online with your PLC if possible and see why that signal is on. Lame

    If you are using a pulse process with an Auto Continuum or an Auto Axcess you are setting a trim or arc length value not an actual voltage. On a Continuum, 50 is the nominal value. increase for longer arc length, decrease for shorter. The machine will take care of actual voltage which you can see on the display of the welder. If 25 was your value on the Axcess then it must be an analog machine. The nominal was 25 for those and not 50.

    As for scaling, that only applies to analog machines. Your Continuum is likely a digital comms unit.

    As for selecting line versus step numbers wouldn't it amount to the same thing since only MOVES/taught points are shifted? I'm probably missing something here.

    There's quite a bit questionable about your example (maybe some of it's missing?), but your true goal should be to get an anti-spatter sprayer. Even if you accomplish what you want with the dip, the torch will eventually dip into filthy gel I would think. Most if not all nozzle cleaners come with a nozzle sprayer. If it doesn't work I would fix or replace it. If there isn't one at all I would install one.

    This may depend on the TIG option. You may have to describe more about your equipment. If Tawers, you have an active deflection at the torch mount or an open safety holder (shock sensor) circuit. If BP welder, same may apply but also check to make sure safety holder power supply is on. Small box usually on top of the weld power supply. It's common to forget about this when powering up.

    SLS is the touch sensor library selection. REF SLS specifies a file to be used in a job header. It contains the sensor movements and parameters needed in the job. SLS TCH is the command containing menu number from the reference file plus any ancillary settings for a specific touch sense operation i.e. retries, modifiers, etc. In your example, a retry is set up for the Y+ direction, "non" means no retrying. You may have difficulty self teaching this. Especially without documentation. This is optional software.

    Set “No sensing input” to “Shift” in touch sensor setup in Management system settings. This will prevent the no sensing input error.
    Use conventional touch sense commands instead of SLS as in example below. This is only an example. Individual situations may vary according to part orientation, max travel distance, variables/elements used, etc.
    In the example below the part is sensed in the Y minus direction. When max travel distance is reached without touching, robot stops, exits away, saves the offset in a GD variable, converts the Y element value to an integer variable. If value is beyond normal part placement i.e. part is missing, program CALLS the Error routine. Otherwise it continues on normally. It's up to you how you want to handle the error routine.

    CLEAR GI#(1:GI0001)
    MOVEP P1
    MOVEL P2
    MOVEL P3
    SNSSFTSV GD#(1:GD0001)
    MOVEL P4
    CONVSET GI#(1:GI0001)=GD.Y#(1:GD0001)
    IF GI#(1:GI0001) <-15 THEN CALL Error ELSE NOP
    MOVEP P5

    What brand, type and size wire are you using? You can look up data sheets on manufacturers websites for typical settings used. It may give you a baseline. What is the AL/steel material thickness in mm? Are you in CV mode or are you trying to pulse? I wouldn't want to hazard a guess at settings until I knew those details. If you have porosity in your welds you may be getting aluminum inclusion in your welds which indicates you may not be hot enough to flash off that layer. Is your gas mix and flow rate stable? Generally, the higher the co2 content the higher the voltage. You mention setting wire feed speed at 60-70 which is very low. Prior to that you talked about amps. Are you setting amps or wfs in your program?

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