Nothing is wrong. There is not much difference between STANDARD and EXPANDED in terms of instructions. In EXPANDED, you will get CWAIT (under CONTROL) and you will have access to local variables and indirect addressing with square brackets ([]).
Posts by roboprof
Yes, copy the programs onto a USB stick and then load them into the YRC1000 from the USB.
You won't be able to reinitialize the robot on your own. It needs to be done by Yaskawa personnel using a high-level code.
Yes, a full backup of the robot should be done before reinitialization. This includes all files, including the CMOS.BIN (can only be saved in Maintenance mode).
You need to do the calibration between R1 and S1 and then true coordinated motion with the 4 key (SMOV). The SMOV will remove the speed from the external axis so that the slave (robot) has speed control.
Try checking under SETUP - OPERATING CONDITIONS, SETUP - OPERATE ENABLE or SETUP - FUNCTION ENABLE in Management mode on the robot side. It's probably under OPERATE ENABLE.
Here are some of your options:
- touch sensing with welding wire (probably cheapest option)
- Accufast laser sensor (reflectivity may be an issue)
- Servo Robot ICube - not sure about reflectivity - or pricing
Touch sensing may be your best option.
I've been with Yaskawa 25 years and never heard of it. It may be a product local to Europe or Asia or some other part of the world.
Try something like this:
do the moves for the weld
Let us know if this works.
Check your language level under SETUP - TEACHING CONDITIONS and make sure that you are set to EXPANDED. If you are in SUBSET, certain instructions won't show up in the INFORM LIST. Once you change it, go to DATA and choose DATA - RESET INSTRUCTION to reset your INFORM LIST.
MSHIFT should be under INFORM LIST - SHIFT.
If you're talking about the UTILITY - POSITION ADJUSTMENT option (available through Utility or through DIRECT OPEN), it was not available on NX100 controllers. Only DX100 or newer.
PMT. Definitely a good option in this case. It's a purchasable option but it is worth it for time saving.
If you are using COORD+POSTURE, make sure that TC1 is parallel/in perfect alignment with your pointer. If not, your Rx, Ry and Rz will be incorrect.
Also, if you have the option after doing your 5 point calibration, make sure you press the READBACK button, the WRITE button and answer Yes to "Update the file?".
Which controller are you working with? Make sure you are calibrating the right tool. Do a SHIFT-COORD in RECT, TOOL or JOINT to make sure the current tool is highlighted and selected. .
You have an error and alarm at same time. Pretty rare to see that. Try CANCEL for the error first and then RESET for the alarm.
Alarm 5040 occurs during a power blip, or if somehow the robot was moved with power off. You should be able to reset the alarm, and go to SPECIFIED POINT, FWD to it and do a confirmation.
I cannot read the other alarm, but it is a major alarm and you will have to cycle power to get rid of it.
Oof. At this point, you are better off contacting Yaskawa directly to get them to look at the controllers and figure out what needs to be changed.
I would try replacing the contactor XPU unit.
Your robot is DX100. We need a couple more pieces of info.
What application are you using?
Which output do you want to connect?
Your local Yaskawa office (or whichever office you received your robot from) should have a set of elementary drawings corresponding to your controller, your communication protocol and your application. So that's why I would communicate with them directly.