sborchshev sorry, I totally forgot to answer this. Yeah, the problem was with the Robot's EIP Scanner I created in TIA Portal, in a Cyclic interrupt. I had to change my values there as well. Mu mistake after all. I changed those values and it was all working like a charm! Thank you for your time though. Have a nice day!
Posts by warhound96
DylanNOEL Thank you very much Dylan! Already you gave me enough info and instructions. Don't worry I won't put you in that kind of torment xD
tbasque thank you for the tip. I'll keep that in mind for next time! you're awesome
gpunkt thank you for the info! I did put them manually after all, but still got nothing. As for the 3d port, I already left it and I'm using only 1 & 2 now, thank you for the info on that. Also, the subnets are different. At the end, it didn't work at all so I set to be scanner again and I'll see what else I can do then. Thank you again for your time!
Hello guys, once again,
I was wondering if any of you created a project where, the PLC is the Adapter and the robot is the Scanner. It's for a CRX-10iA/L and for Siemens PLC S7-1200. I'm using Ethernet/IP between them to communicate. I was wondering if making the PLC to be the Adapter and connect it to the 3rd port, if it could work properly and if so, where do I put the .eds files of my PLC in to the robot?
Thank you for your time guys!
Hello guys,
I have a problem with my communication between a CRX-10iA/L and a Siemens PLC 1200. I want to send/receive 8 words (16 bytes) but every time I want to send more than 1 word I only get "Online" status and not "Running". Why's this happening can someone explain?
Thank you for your time!
Nation Oh I got it. I'll have to check it then, hoping it could have it but I suppose I'll end up ordering the option at the end of the day then!
JeffBO Thank you, I will check it as soon as possible then to see my options!
Nation Thank you vey much for the information. Is there a way to know if we have this option pre-installed maybe? Maybe they have it by default nowadays?
Hello guys,
I have a question. I want to use a Pro-Face GP4000 or SP5000 series HMI with FANUC robots so I can stop using PLCs. Do you believe or have you tried it, and of course, is it possible?
sborchshev Hello again! I'm still waiting on Fanuc's answer and as for the PLC side. I used two different PLCs, one Delta PLC AS228R and the other was a Siemens S7-1200, both capable to have Ethernet/IP protocol. So, I'm still in the dark, the same configuration i do for a Fanuc ARC Mate, I almost do, for the Cobot and still nothing, unfortunately!
jstolaruk don't worry same here as well. So, the whole story that I was just told is this. At first, we had the PLC on Port 1 and the welding machine on port 2. The welding machine wasn't working on Port 2. One of Fanuc's guy's came and changed the board in the controller since the customer decided to add a 7th gear for the robot to move left and right. After the 7th gear was added in the game and with the welding machine not willing to work and only the PLC working on Port 1, we changed the Port to the welding machine and the Port 2 for the PLC. Also, when we changed the board for the 7th axis, we had to re-do the whole configuration. I don't even know if I'm making any sense at this point and that's why I'm also waiting for fanuc to answer. Sorry for the long post.
jstolaruk look, i'm waiting for an anwser from the local Fanuc distributor as well, so i'll inform you and the rest of the guys here for any news, Really I just did the simplest things in terms of configuration. Like, what I'm showing you nothing much and I still got nothing from it and I don't understand why the robot decided to switch places digitally, if i can say, by itself the PLC and welding machine. So, don't worry, I'll just get back to you with more in couple of days though!
jstolaruk my IP address is set to for the PLC and for the robot, as for my laptop is and i could Ping, from my laptop, both of them just fine and still, I could ping the PLC through the Robot, but only from the 2 sub menus you can find in HOST COMM menu, TCP/IP and PING. I couldn't ping though from the ETHERNET/IP sub menu, of I/O menu
jstolaruk yeah we are trying the Ethernet/IP with the Siemens. When you say by themselves, you mean the PLCs, both of them working standalone, then yeah we did that and they worked fine. If that's what you mean of course. The other thing is that the Siemens PLC worked when it was plugged in Port 1, but for some reason, after the welding machine was installed it just configured by itself, the robot, the welding machine to Port 1 and the PLC to Port 2.
This is what come's up whenever I try to establish my communication. It's the same communication, apart from the EDS file, everything the same and it worked with a R30iB Plus and it was working fine!
jstolaruk that's some of them, I'll post a couple more with the delta plc which I did my test, but I also got the same communication problem with the Siemens. I can ping the PLC from HOST COMM but not when I try from the menu ETHERNET/IP from the I/O menu.
jstolaruk problem is though, i already checked that multiple times, i tried 2 word-32 bits etc and still nothing. And i also get the error message "PRIO-230" for the adapter though not the scanner. I'm in a confusion all in all and can't figure out what I did wrong.
I have the same problem and did the configuration with both a Siemens PLC and a Delta as well. Still the same errors as you!