For it works the JMP LBL inside the IF THEN should send to another LBL, not the one that starts the LOOP
My suggestion:
LBL [100]
IF (R[1]=3) THEN
JMP LBL[101]
P[1] 100mm/....
JMP LBL[100]
For it works the JMP LBL inside the IF THEN should send to another LBL, not the one that starts the LOOP
My suggestion:
LBL [100]
IF (R[1]=3) THEN
JMP LBL[101]
P[1] 100mm/....
JMP LBL[100]
First, not sure if this is also work for you, because I use Microsoft Sharepoint 2007, and maybe the things are different, but maybe this can help you
For a simple explanation, accesses your robot internal folder (mine at least is at "C:\Users\"User"\Documents\My Workcells\"Name"\"Your Robot"), and save the HMI, in the UT1 folder.
After that in you do MENU>FILE>[UTIL]>UT1, then press load, at the bottom should appear the name of the HMI and if it's loaded, if not something is wrong.
Now, to open the HMI, I usually do 2 ways:
1 (in my opinion it's easier and faster): Go on MENU>BROWSER, then click Add a Link, here you put the name of your HMI, and below , /"Your HMI name"."The HMI format" (my example: /HMI.htm)
2: Go to MENU>SYSTEM>VARIABLES and then find the "$TX_SCREEN" variable, press enter and select a slot, then put ,/"Your HMI name"."The HMI format", and below the name of the HMI,
(Every time you do some change in your HMI you need to load then again, to save the changes, and then it's already ready to use)
If the HMI don't appear, do a load of files again, either if something went wrong, just send some messages with what happened, I'll be happy to assist you,
Hello, I'm back after some more research.
The thing about the rail not being allignamented to the robot, is because on the adding of the 7th the values (like the one in the image below) of Lower, Upper, X or Y need to be exactly in the correct direction.
So, if you did it wrong on the first try, the only way you can solve it is by adding another robot (you can't reserialise for some reason) in the correct way, otherwise won't will work
To know the right side to add the 7th axis, if you haven't already put the robot, is full luck, or if you got a project, almost sure it will be there, if not you will need to know if the rail/robot need moves to X+, Y+ (Upper), X- or Y-(Lower).
As a reference of the correct values side, you can use the XYZ Axis to get you oriented, on the bottom left.
So this is all I could find and do about it, now I really have nothing more to say or try to help you
Have a nice day!
do you have any other solution?
Sorry but that is the only way I know, when I have time i will search more about that.
Ok, apparently you will need to add the 7th axis again, or in other words just do another robot with different orientation on the 7th axis, for what I can see it's the opposite of the one you put now
I really dont know any other method to solve it
Thank you for your reply, when I jog the robot TCP move along with robot but this problem occurring only while creating operation & while verifying in rail slider.
If possible send pictures os your problems, so i can understand better
About the Axis Origin, you need to Unlock then in the general tab, the option is near the apply button
And one find I forgot to talk about, when creating the added axis, the lower and upper values, can have some impact
Hello, I already had this problem before, and it's more simple than I expected to solve, i don't know if there is an easier method to do it but here what I do:
1 - Move the robot and see where the TCP go, If it goes to the side you want, proceed, if don't you will need to put the added axis and the another direction (X, Y or Z)
2 - Move the axis origin to a position you want, to make the robot go in the right direction
Maybe not your case, but here a pictures of my case, the TCP goes to the right side, but not the robot, so i just change the Axis Origin and its all fixed, again if not to the right side, put the axis again with another direction
Hello Daniel, Happy New Year!
So, I already got some experience about vision processes, mostly in the software, and maybe I didn't understood what was your main question (English is not my main language), but if I got it right, when you do a multi view process, it considers the 2 cameras as being only 1, so if 1 fails it will consider was both failed,
So I guess for the thing you want to do to, what I suggest is to do the 2 cameras separated, and then do a GET_OFFSET for which camera, that when a fail occurs in any camera, it will do a JMP LBL to somewhere
I hope this is help you, even a bit, if not contact me back so I can see what is in my range
Hello guys, Happy New Year (A bit late but ok)
First I already have a good experience with HMI and one day while training for a robotics competition, I got a project to train with a lot of process and logics but a simple HMI, it's just 2 lamps, 1 start button and 6 EditBox,
This is just to give a context to the HMI: There is a machine that will storage 6 small cylinders with 3 different colors (1,2,3 values) one above the other, then you put a order of colors in the HMI, and when you start the simulation the exact order appears, wherever every time a piece is got, the rest fall, and the HMI changes the values to the new order at real time
But the big problem is, every time that I will change the value in the HMI, while the projects is running or not, mostly of the time it's just suddenly closes my ROBOGUIDE for no apparently reason, and the current save get rewritten to an older save or has issues opening
I don't know if is something wrong that I did with my HMI, or if the cell has too much thing running at the same time, but I would appreciate it if someone could help me understand better about this problem, and maybe more why HMI Crashes, also if needed I can provide more information
One day, I was using the Fanuc ROBOGUIDE software and got really curious about the PALLETIZING-EX and PALLETIZING-BX.
I’m already quite familiar with the software and used it for a good time, but I still have no idea how to use these features.
I did some research but didn’t find much information about them, so if anyone could help, I’d really appreciate it.
Hi ,
Actually, this is a closed-loop path. I couldn’t find the exact shape of my specific path, but the stop box is a large black box where the robot needs to stop once it reaches it.
And I am using a straight 5 ir sensors array with 2 N20 600 rpm motors.
This is for a kind of line-following robot, I'm not very familiar with it, so I might be wrong in something.
However, my brother already participated in a competition similar to this, but with a different type of robot and, I think, fewer sensors.
The idea I remember he used, and which you could try, is arranging the sensors in an "X" pattern, then, when the three front sensors detect black and the two rear sensors detect white, the robot stops.
Just a warning again, I'm not an expert in this, so I don't know if this will actually work, but it's an idea.
I managed to solve it! When using the Menu Utility Additional Package, it adds several options that can be used during start-run, such as yes/no prompts.
One of these options is named "DSP_WEBP",to use it, simply press CALL PROGRAM, select Macro at the bottom of the TP, and find it in the list. After that, you'll need to assign a [Constant] to it. In my case, the constant was 2.
Just a reminder, for this to work, you need to have your HMI assigned to the TP by navigating to System Variables and setting the TX_SCREEN variable.
I'm not sure if anyone else has been looking for this or is interested, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I’ll do my best to help!
Hello, I’ve been using a bit of line tracking/following recently, if you could share some images or additional details,I’d be happy to assist, also is this for a simulator or a physical robot competition?
Apparently, in RoboGuide (Im using the 9.30 version), there is a option to use pre-defined commands on the Teach Pendant through specific keyboard shortcuts, for exemple, instead of navigating through [INST] > [Miscellaneous] > [Remark], it could be possible to simply press a combination like CTRL + [Key] to insert the command directly. However, I am unsure whether this functionality is actually implemented in the software. If any such shortcuts exist for similar operations, I would greatly appreciate any information regarding them.
Hello, one of my friends that uses FANUC roboguide (not sure what version), has find a way to when you cycle start a cell, it immediately open the HMI on the TP while running the program, in the same time.
Im trying to search a way to do it but the closest thing i found about it was the Menu Utilly software options
Anything about it or the menu utility will help
So for a simple explaniton, im doing a robot tornuament and i was about to start my virtual cell, it was going normal as i tested 5 minutes before, mid run when it was about to do the the 2nd Palletalizng_E a error named "PALT-04" showed up and even none of the avaliators knew what was that, the thing is the error showed the message palletazing incremental is ill(something like this) but the palletazing reg was normal before and after i tested, also searced about it and nothing