Hello, can i use the RC7M documentation for RC7 controllers interchangably ?
Hello, can i use the RC7M documentation for RC7 controllers interchangably ?
Hi, i have the same H109n error code, my controller is CR3, and doesn't come with CPU module. Would appreciate the help !
Hello, i'm trying to gather some of the documents about the RC7 Controller from Denso. From the Denso Wave website there seems to be just some documentation of some versions the RC7M controller . When i look at some manuals of RC7M documentation, it sometimes shows related info about the RC7 controller so i'm a bit confused here.
Can you explain the 2 RC7 and RC7M series ? the difference between them and their documentation set. If so, Having Documentation set of 2 would help me alot.
Hi, i changed the batteries and that didn't work, the AMP1 and AMP2 both shows status "AC", which is initializaiton communication ( according to MR-J3 Manual, as i couldn't find MR3-V34 servo drive manual ), the rotary switches for 6 axis is 2 1 0 2 1 0 respectively. Need help with that, thanks a lot.