I don't think we're talking about the same thing. We're using the TP to run a iHMI plugin. By default, when you power on the controller, the application Fanuc is running, as expected.
What I want to do is : When the application startup, I want to autoload my iHMI plugin I created instead of go to "Menu->Plugin->Plugin List".
How can I achieved it?
Posts by MrChong
Not sure exactly of what you're saying. Where is that?
Thank you for the reply. May be it was our fault with the verification, but for now it's working fine. I used the variable in a "variable karel program" and it seems to be our problem.
So far so good, everything working now
For the project I'm working on, we are use the Fanuc Tablet as a HMI. The UI works perfectly but we always have to go to "Menu->Plugin->Plugin List" to start the application.
Is there a way to automatically start the HMI when we start the controller? I've seen the KAREL function "FORCE_LINK" but I'm not sure how and where I can call this function.
Thank you**Sorry for english
Hello everyone,
We are currently developing a Fanuc Plugin in KAREL and we are having some issue to write value to FLG i/o.
In the simulator, the writing process works perfectly, but when it's time to push the plugin into a CRX (used with the tablet), writing into flags doesn't seem to work. In parallel, we also write into Numeric_Register, and the process is working. I am confused at the moment.
We verified if any background routine overwrite the flag (negative), we manually set the FLG to ON and it stays ON.
Here's the include:
%INCLUDE etdccopt
%INCLUDE klevccdf
Here's how I set the flag:Stop_Rdy = FLG[114]
flag_number = 101
flag_value = TRUE
FLG[flag_number] = flag_value
ENDIFWhat am I missing to make it work on a real controller?