Skooter I understand, thank you.
Where can I find more information about these jumpers? In which manual?
Should I disconnect all the cables currently connected to X1-X4 before jumping the connections you listed?
Skooter I understand, thank you.
Where can I find more information about these jumpers? In which manual?
Should I disconnect all the cables currently connected to X1-X4 before jumping the connections you listed?
Thank you for the help with my robot questions so far.
I am asking for help again regarding the safety circuits ES1 & ES2.
Lemster68 mentioned that these can be jumped out, at my own risk of course, for testing purposes. I have been looking through the forums and found different threads, with different jumper configurations to bypass ES1 & ES2 (thread 1 and thread 2).
I also found information in different manuals, specifically one for the 6400R M99 with S4C (without plus), and in this manual the jumpers specified seem to coincide somewhat with what is described in thread 2 above.
Also, in the cabinet of my robot, there are already a lot of cables connected to the panel board, not coinciding with any of the information found above.
Here is a picture of my panel board for reference:
This leaves me confused.
Should I disconnect these cables and connect them according to one of the posts mentioned above?
Are there any more sources of information that I am missing regarding how this can be done?
Hi again... I am in a different location than the robot but asked the owner to take note of the LEDs on the DSQC509.
The only LED that lits up is the MS LED, which is green. I read that this is the module status and that it indicates the component is working as it should?
All the other LEDs are left in their powered off state, including ES1 and ES2. This means that both safety chains are out, right?
The teach pendant displayed the system shutdown error indicating it wasn't properly powered off and gave the owner X-, I-start and a third "restart from backup" option.
Does this error block the startup process and the DSQC509 from initialising and thus the rest of the LEDs from displaying the boards status?
Thank you a lot for the great advice, this really helps navigating this.
I will find the posts you suggests and do some more testing.
Hello robot experts,
I've been lurking around here for a while trying to gather as much knowledge as I can before making this first post.
I am in the process of purchasing an IRB6400R M2000. It has previously been used as a welding robot and has a lot of extra equipment installed in an extended part of its control cabinet. The cables coming out of this part of the cabinet have been cut.
I have had the opportunity to test it, but haven’t successfully gotten it to move its joints yet.
I am getting the following errors upon startup:
Error 71058
No contact with I/O unit: GUN1 on bus: PBUS
No contact with I/O unit: TIMER on bus: PBUS
Error 38001
Battery backup on serial measurement board 1 on measurement system 1 at connector_board 1 lost since power down or restart. Battery temporary disconnected at delivery.
Error 37072
The backup battery is reaching its end of life.
Internal status = 0.
Error 50057
Robot joint irb_2, irb_3, irb_5, irb_6 has moved too far during power off state.
Error 20032
Revolution counter is not updated.
I am also getting the following status messages:
Status 10036
Rev counter not updated
Status 10218
Execution cancelled.
The restart will clear the execution in task MAIN
Status 10008
Program restarted.
The task MAIN has restarted to execute.
The originator is unknown.
Status 1002
Program reset.
The task SW_SUP has been rewound to its start point.
The task SW_PROC has been rewound to its start point.
The task MAN_FUNC has been rewound to its start point.
The task DRESS has been rewound to its start point.
Status 10007
Program started.
The task SW_SUP has started to execute. The originator is unknown
The task SW_PROC has started to execute. The originator is unknown
The task MAN_FUNC has started to execute. The originator is unknown
I assume many of these errors are caused by the welding equipment not being properly connected and configured.
Also, I attempted to jog the robot in manual mode but the teach pendant would tell me that an emergency stop is active and has to be disabled. I confirmed that they were disabled on the control cabinet and teach pendant but the error remained. My initial thought was that this could be caused by the safety system being configured with hardware that's no longer present.
My goal is to disconnect and uninstall all the extra equipment beyond the control cabinet in its basic form and manipulator, and use the robot in this configuration. By reading this forum, manuals and doing some detective work, I am thinking the errors I listed are relatively easily corrected by swapping batteries, updating revolution counters and disabling extra equipment in hardware and firmware.
Is my thesis somewhat correct?
What would be the obvious steps towards this? Do I need to load new ”plain” firmware into the controller?
Thank you very much for your help!