Check any pneumatic clamps for leaks blowing the gas away.
Check that the operator has not put up a fan to keep themself cool and blow the gas away.
Check any pneumatic clamps for leaks blowing the gas away.
Check that the operator has not put up a fan to keep themself cool and blow the gas away.
Sounds like something in your wiring. If the robot runs there is no e-stop or error, however, if there was wiring in the "Head" you removed it could have something in it that is monitored. Some people put circuits in to monitor cables breaking.
No TRT will not work in your application. TRT is done after the job has been written and is done manually from the pendant.
What ever program you are using to make the jobs that are uploaded to the robot will have to do the calculations for the speed based on the data given to make the robot move the way you want.
Please remember the robot speed in a program is really in mm/sec.
You use the SHIFTON and SHIFTOF instructions to temporarily shift the positions in a job.
Alarm 0060 comes up when the robot boots and does not see an I/O card that was there at the last boot. The [1] indicates it is the I/O card with address 1. This is most likely the analog card.
Check to make sure the analog card has 24 volts, if necessary replace the analog card.
in MRC it's called "Specified point". The alarm is not 4107 in MRC, 4107 only comes up on robots with an Main menu or top menu button. I don't remember what the alarms is for "Check specified point". The 'F' key for 'Spec Point' is either under Customer or function. You can change it to anything you like, it does not effect the running of the robot or the calibration of the arm to the controller.
Best to hire an integrator to make it do what you want.
Sounds like you have the European version of an MRC. These special built controllers had an extra board installed to monitor the pendant being in place (and to simulate dual channel on a robot is only single channel). Too bad MRC was built before there was the internet and PDF files to make electronic manuals and drawings.
Yes, You need the parallel job function and run the two jobs at the same time. One that welds and one that checks the status of the inputs and does something if it's not correct.
You'll have to call your local Yaskawa service department to get a service person to come and un brick this robot.
You would need to know the link lengths and gear ratios for each axis. That's all proprietary information.
someone has turned on prohibit servo on from external device. It's under condition one or Condition two.
run your input through a relay
hook it into your e-stop circuit.
Only one question, if said circuit goes open how do you turn the servo on to move the robot back to allow servo to come on?
These connectors are under license to Yaskawa in Japan. They are the only ones who can get them and they don't sell them separately.
Yaskawa Canada and Yaskawa in Ohio have touch macros for inside and outside corners.
Yes, the unbalanced voltages on the secondary of your transformer are casing this.
The alarms point to the stop motion monitoring. If the brakes are slipping (it may be new to you but DX200 was replaced by YRC1000 5 years ago), or the axis is overloaded causing it to take too long to come to a stop.
Either way, call Yaskawa for service.
no that's another issue.
If it was a dual and you are trying to make it a single, you will need to call for service to do this.