Hello Psyril,
Thank you so much for your help, it worked finally.
We can now finish our project.
All the best my friend.
Hello Psyril,
Thank you so much for your help, it worked finally.
We can now finish our project.
All the best my friend.
Hello everybody,
I have a school project where we have to program the TX2_40 Staubli (with the CS9 controler), robot in order to grab an object on a moving conveyor belt. We are using the SRS (Staubli Robotic Suite) to make the program and run the simulation. Since we didn't have any training or courses on the SRS nor on the language, we face a lot of problems, and the professor couldn't help much either .
We are trying to integrate a gripper on to the robot in the simulation, and we don't know how to do it correctly. We've imported the CAO 3D model of the gripper Schunk 40-N-N-B, and placed it on to the robot's End Effector. But when we tried to configure the Physical I/O of the gripper, meaning creating a new input/ouput board inside the I/O physical window, a new window poped up asking us to choose a specific type of board.
And when we tried to select any one of them, this error pop up : Sycon.DoNet is not istalled.:Key 'SOFTWARE\hilscherGmbH\Sycon_net' not found
Is this due to the fact that Sycon isn't installed in SRS, if so, how can we installe it?
We also sent an email to the help center of Staubli, they then return a project where the gripper open and close in a loop. -->> So the gripper work in that project.
We looked further into its physical I/O and we found out that they added a new Input/Output board called ValvelO.
The problem here is we have no idea which board they used (We also looked in the IOMAP and we can't find the ValvelO board type, there was no indication in the property window, nor in the reference document of SRS when it comes to I/O configuration either).
Can anyone help us solve these problem ?
These problem may seem easy to experience or maybe not worthy of your time, but do keep in mind that we had no training at all
Thank you for your time and effort.