Is there an option needed to use RECORD / ENDRECORD because no matter how i try to use it get errors
Posts by amar15t
Yes sure but are PERS variables threadsafe - i.e. if two different Tasks access a PERS var at same time does Rapid handle collision or do we the programmers have to ??
Yes sure can use num and bools but they are VARS and I need thread safety going across Tasks - with FANUC and EPSON their stuff is threadsafe
Does ABB have anything similar to FANUC R[] registers - I/O Flags or EPSON memory bits. Saves hassle of threadlocking
Will have a Karel routine running in its own thread collecting data (round robbin buffer) - would like to access from a Karel routine in TPP program - is there any thread safe instruction to lock buffer for reading and writing (similar to Adept TAS)
My Robot's FTP CLIENT (i.e. C1) wont start - the FTP Server is on the PC
Have an IIS FTP Server running on Windows 10 - can FTP in through Command window etc. Have Fanuc with FTP interface - both on local subnet and can ping each other
When I try to create a robot client (i.e. C1) I cannot get it to START - after DEFINE - just get message 'The selected operation failed' - anyone have advice here? -
Notice from an earlier post the DCSPOS.SV file can be transferred from Roboguide to your actual Robot - notice there's another DCSIOC.SV. Does this fully configure DCS on a real robot just as in Roboguide (without swapping complete backup files)?
I have multiple Tools (using Tool changer) I'm ok setting up dynamic tools amd user models but that Verify I/O is puzzling - anyone know how you set it up - solution eludes me I'm afraid
So plugging in inertias' for the PAYLOAD instruction Solidworks models give :
Moments of Inertia: taken at center of mass
Lxx, Lyy, LzzMoments of Inertia: taken at output coordinate system
Ixx, Iyy, Izzif I read the Handling Tool document correct they want the ones at center mass - Lxx, Lyy, Lzz ??
Yes that's what I would like to do but how do I access the CSV ? - upload to Fanuc memory or a pipe say to stream over from Host - using a FTP Client not able to upload a simple text file as I mention
Going to have a process generating a lot of positional offsets to feed to a FANUC R-30iB - could be a CSV file - how could I FTP that over - tried to upload a plain test file with .DT .VA extension over FTP but doesn't work - anyone done this kind of thing before ?
Guys - thanks for info - late reply was side tracked till now - but boy Fanuc sure make you work for your arguments LOL - compared to other Robot languages that is
So TPP routines use AR[] registers so you can call a TPP routine from a TPP routine passing arguments. Same for Karel to Karel but I cannot see a way to call a Karel routine from a TPP passing arguments - rather seems you can only manually use Data > KAREL Vars and initialize values there!
So your entirely dependent on aligning the zero scales correctly to maintain the nominal robot physical position to its math model - for accuracy
Does anyone know if Fanuc robot pulse encoders use a zero index pulse. In fact what type are they
As far as I can tell a TPP program cannot pass arguments into a KAREL routine ?!?! - has to be done via R[] registers or strings SR[] ??
RobotStudio - how do you get TCP Trace to actually trace from your tooling - have the Tool transformation set ( PERS tooldata) but when I play the simulation it traces from the robot flange or tool0 ??
Have IRC5 controller with the FlexPendant - using TPShow and UIMsgBox to display menu stuff on Pendant - issue is I cannot make either modal i.e. they 'pop' up on the screen - have the small icon top left as only way to grab operators attention. Is there a setting or instruction to make user screens modal?
Anyone know or have example using the \SceneId and \Keeptargets in the CamReqImage instruction - was hoping \Keeptargets would allow me to keep accessing say data from 10 blobs - reading with CamGetResult destroys data - I'm assuming \Keeptargets would hold data till CamFlush used??