Loading DCSIOC.SV and DCSPOS.SV from RoboGuide to my real Robot, for DCS setup, notice when I hit load from the Menu File utility it asks if I want to Convert ? yes/no. What is this for anyone know?
Posts by amar15t
cant unless I get permission with a redacted version from my customer - working with FANUC but they're slow as molasses
Anyone setup IIC for Robot to Robot using Critical Zone in RoboGuide? - have a couple of
with RIPE active and using Check combination setup
- Have Robot 1 Rob+Hnd linked to Robot 2
- Have Robot 2 Rob+Hnd linked to Robot 1
- have Critical Zone (using Box Fixture model) set up on Robot 1 - interconected DIO
This is all I see watching a 2016 Fanuc IIC webinar lacking finer detail - the Manual is
terse too!
Anyway doesnt work Robot 1 happily enters zone and exits - Robot approaches then is
locked with a SSPC-103 error
IIC comes with 10 Hand, Fixture and Check models - has anyone successfully increased the number of either? - FANUC told me to change $IA variables - I tried in RoboGuide using Controlled Start to inncrease Fixtures and Checks to 15 but nothing changed in IIC - still at 10 each
Using the Navigate iPendant (JCGTP) notice after a time period it closes - assume a timer is controlling - can I access and lengthen this timer?
Ok - well we had 3 identical robot s delivered with Col Guard option - 2 have that variable set just one did not - so weird - thanks again
Thanks that was it - I've looked all through the HandlingTool doc - doesn't mention ?
Have options for Collision Detect installed - when I try to use COL GUARD ADJUST <val> in a TP (group 1) routine I get
MOTN-404 Group 1 does not support HSCD
when I go to the Menu -> Setup -> Coll Guard I see Group 1 / Enabled at 100% - if I I press Group button and enter 1 get "selected group doesn't support HSCD"
Any ideas why anyone - thanks
Everytime I open up my workcell in Handling Tool (Version 9 Rev W) the virtual camera in the vision properties is 'ticked' enabled but trying to run a vision job from TP gives 'CVIS-098 The Camera is disconnected' - have to disable - cycle controller - enable - cycle controller. Heck is this a FANUC bug I have to bear
Would like to get date/time from an SNTP server - cant find anyway on a Fanuc to implement - anyone have experience in similar i.e. synching date/time on robot as a client
Have Ver 9 Rev W Handlingtool running - from a video I was made aware of an 'External Devices' feature in the Cell Browser - its not on mine. Do I need to re-install Roboguide - is there a way to enable this feature ?
Is setting of default TCP programmable - is there an instruction - I know you can set on the pendant in jog mode and of course a Move executed with \ToolData sets too - but I want to set in a function or procedure
AH! - well it must have been a fluke - I did a controller P-Start and reloaded code - now jobMode works fine
Does anyone know if jobMode is a reserved word in RAPID ??
I have a RECORD and if I cast a variable jobMode from it i get an error(103) type mismatch
if I use jobMod as variable fine no error - wierd ?!?!?
I have triple checked I have not used jobMode as another type in any of my tasks !!!
Anyone know if the annual RobotStudio license is portable - with FANUC RobotGuide you have a License manager and can move it from PC to PC via media
only thing different to mine is
No previous version - first install ever
Ver 2020SP1 (M11.10, 64 bit)
Every time I close out a cell or quit the app I get this dialog
Anyone know what thats about ?
In Roboguide have several tools UT:1 to UT10: - I created a parts list - when I go to UT:1 properties > Parts they're inactive so cannot select. However all of the others UT:2 to UT:10 DO allow me to select Parts ??