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Posts by A26786582
Hi, I'm David
Have you ever experienced "Error 106" when starting up the robot arm and at the end of the steps to calibrate the motors of each axis ?
I checked the error codes table and still can't resolve this error...
My arm is the same model as yours. It is also a second-hand robotic arm that has been idle in the warehouse for more than 6 or 7 years.
There are exactly two sets of robotic arms and controllers (but after checking the RANG value on the sticker, I determined these four, they are not in the same group as each other...), it was confirmed that both sets of robotic arms could work normally before being idle.
I calibrated the motors of each axis according to the service manual and other files you shared with you in the project record on "The Hobby-Machinist" web page.
However, I encountered many problems during the calibration.
The project status recorded on your web page was also something different.
My steps are as follows :
I first replaced the two types of batteries, turned on the power, and executed "Memory Clear Mode".
Then "Error 106" was displayed every time I turned on the power (but it could be cleared by pressing the C button), and then when using the shorting jumper to perform an encoder reset , only J1 and J2 will display Error 771 and 772 after reset, but other axes do not display any errors.
Then when doing the CALSET operation of each axis, J1 and J3 can be completed successfully and display "CAL OK", but J2, J4, J5 and J6 will not display "CAL OK" at the end of calibration, but will display "Error 106".
I would like to ask if you have encountered the above problems during the calibration process ?
If not, what do you think might be causing this problem ?
I am Taiwanese and my English is not good enough, so I use a translator, sorry about that.
Thank you very much for spending a lot of time reading this message.
I hope you can reply to me when you have time, thank you.
Finally, thank you very much for your project record, it really helped me repair this robotic arm!
I wish you all the best