Pytanie brzmi, jak wskazać, co znajduje się na końcu sygnału analogowego.
Because the same parameters of the welder know how to set aside, but they are not transferred to the welder itself
Pytanie brzmi, jak wskazać, co znajduje się na końcu sygnału analogowego.
Because the same parameters of the welder know how to set aside, but they are not transferred to the welder itself
Do robota przymocowane są płytki 153 i 165.
Można sterować robotem i zasilaczem spawalniczym, ale parametry wprowadzane do robota nie są wymagane do zasilania prądem elektrycznym.
Po zajarzeniu łuku drut nie jest podawany.
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I bought an IRB L6E robot with accessories. Unfortunately I have a problem. The batteries in the memory have been replaced and the turntable and the wire feeder in the welder do not work.
After replacing the batteries, the Axes were parameterized and the board was added as I remember on port 165.
It seems to me that the problem is with the analog signal that controls the table and wire feeder.
Should I show him any additional paramtr tools for communication with the cabinet and the feeder??
What are the symptoms now.
The welder is welding but does not feed the wire as if it does not have a set speed and set current because if I change it to 300A, because the potentiometer shows about 100A.
All servo drive lights are green, but the control cards do not light up when pressing the test button, as if they were not working.