Good morning Herman,
Yes, i have connected the same 24v controller unit power supply to device net.
i'm trying to figure out how to upload photos to the forum. as i see it only accept links. which part i need to check on the cabinet schematic?
Posts by Johneg1
Can you use external link to upload all?
Hey Hermann, hope you had good weekend!
Yes, i have tried the same syntax but still have the same error with the driver. i checked the wiring, then removed the resistor on both sides. as result i got "connect LED on the Devicenet start blinking" but i still get the same error. attached photos.
also, Telnet didn't show connected device, just shows offline devicenet.i believe that i have old MFC V1.06 for VKRC1.
seems that i't very complicated to run devicenet. any idea where i can get pinout for MFC board so i can use it for external enable signal and one output signal?
Thanks. -
Is there any other way to use MFC board I/O?
Good morning "Panic Mode"
i have check the bottom of the IOSYS file and here what i found
I have tried both examples but still did not work.
I get the same error " Configuration Error I/O driver DNDRV"Code
Display More;========================================================== ; IOSYS.INI - Configuration file for the IO-System ;========================================================== ; For configuration help go to the end of this file. ;---------------------------------------------------------- [CONFIG] VERSION=2.00 [DRIVERS] ;MFC=0,mfcEntry,mfcdrv.o ;INTERBUS=1,ibusInit,ibusdrv.o DEVNET=2,dnInit,dndrv.o ;BOSCH=3,boschInit,boschdrv.o ;PERCEPTRON=4,percInit,percdrv.o ;SBIP=5,sbipInit,sbipdrv.o ;FIPIO=6,fipioInit,fipiodrv.o ;PROFISL=7,pbslInit,pfbsldrv.o ;PROFIMA=8,pbmaInit,pfbmadrv.o ;RIO=9,rioInit,riodrv.o ;LIBO=10,liboInit,libodrv.o ;PBMASL=11,pbmsInit,pfbmsdrv.o ;DNSC1=12,dnsc1Init,dnsc1drv.o ;DNSC2=13,dnsc2Init,dnsc2drv.o ;DSEIO=14,dseIoInit,dseiodrv.o ;INTERBUSPCI=15,ibsCPPciInit,ibpcidrv.o ;CNKE1=16,cnke1CPInit,cnke1drv.o ;DNSC3=17,dnsc3Init,dnsc3drv.o ;DNSC4=18,dnsc4Init,dnsc4drv.o ;DNSC5=19,dnsc5Init,dnsc5drv.o ;DNSC6=20,dnsc6Init,dnsc6drv.o ;CNKE2=21,cnke2CPInit,cnke2drv.o [MFC] INW0=0 ;$IN[1-16] OUTW0=0 ;$OUT[1-16] OUTW2=2 ;$OUT[17-32] [DEVNET] INB0=5,0,x1 ;$IN[1-8] OUTB0=5,0,x1 ;$OUT[1-8] [END SECTION] ;========================================================== ;Valid entries have the following formats. ;Arguments in squared brackets are optional. ;If nothing else is mentioned, arguments are decimal. ;Digital Inputs and Outputs: ; ; Form 1: ; {token}{offset}={byte}[,{multip}] ; ; {token} INB (byte), INW (word), INDW (double word) ; OUTB, OUTW, OUTDW ; {offset} byte offset of robot IO System (0..m) ; {byte} byte offset over all peripheral devices (0..m) ; Offset starts with 0 at the first device and ; ends with m at the end of the last device. ; {multip} creats n dataobjects of {token} ; Example: ; OUTW4=2,x3 ; Three words of the periphery, starting at byte 2, ; are mapped to the outputs 33-80. ; ; Form 2: ; {token}{offset}={address},{byte}[,{multip}] ; ; {token} INB, INW, INDW, OUTB, OUTW, OUTDW ; {offset} byte offset of robot IO System ; {address} address of a peripheral device (0..m) ; driver specific information, see descr. below ; {byte} byte offset at this peripheral device (0..m) ; Offset starts with 0 at the every device ; driver specific information, see descr. below ; {multip} creats n dataobjects of {token} ; Example: ; INW4=10,0,x2 ; Two words of the peripheral device with address 10 and ; up from byte 0 are mapped to the inputs 33-80. ;Analog Inputs and Outputs: ; ; Form 1: ; {token}{num}={byte},{res},{type}[,CAL{factor}] ; ; {token} ANIN or ANOUT ; {num} number of the analog channel (1..i) ; {byte} byte offset over all peripheral devices (0..m) ; Offset starts with 0 at the first device and ; ends with m at the end of the last device. ; {res} resolution of the analog value (number of bits) ; {type} type of analog value ; 0 : right justified without sign ; 1 : right justified with sign ; 2 : left justified without sign ; 3 : left justified with sign ; {factor} maximum analog value, decimal without prefix, ; hexadec. with prefix 0x or octal with prefix 0 ; "CAL 0" or no entry sets factor to its maximum ; Example: ; ANIN1=10,12,3 ; The analog input No.1 is used. The byte offset on ; peripheral side is 10, the resolution is 12 bit and the ; type of analog value is 3 (left justified with sign). ; The maximum binary analog value is 2047. ; ; Form 2: ; {token}{num}={address},{byte},{res},{type}[,CAL{factor}] ; ; {token} ANIN or ANOUT ; {num} number of the analog channel (1..i) ; {address} address of a peripheral device (0..m) ; driver specific information, see descr. below ; {byte} byte offset at this peripheral device (0..m) ; Offset starts with 0 at the every device ; driver specific information, see descr. below ; {res} resolution of the analog value (number of bits) ; {type} type of analog value ; 0 : right justified without sign ; 1 : right justified with sign ; 2 : left justified without sign ; 3 : left justified with sign ; {factor} maximum analog value, decimal without prefix, ; hexadec. with prefix 0x or octal with prefix 0 ; "CAL 0" or no entry sets factor to its maximum ; Example: ; ANIN3=30,0,16,2,CAL 0x6C00 ; The analog input No.3 is used. The device address is 30, ; the byte offset at this device is 0, the resolution is ; 16 bit and the type of analog value is 2 (left justified ; without sign). The maximum binary analog value is 27648. ; The CAL-factor is especially required in case of using ; Profibus analog modules. ;particularities: ;[MFC] MFC-IO with KRC1 / CAN-IO-Modul with KRC2 ; Entries in form 1 ; ;[INTERBUS/INTERBUSPCI] Interbus Phoenix Mast./Slave Cu/LWL ; Entries in form 1 ; $IN/OUT[n_1]=(n+1)*8-7 ; $IN/OUT[n_8]=(n+1)*8 ;[DEVNET] DeviceNet on the KUKA MFC ; Entries in form 1 for driver dndrv.o ; Entries in form 2 for driver dn2drv.o ; If using dn2drv, be carefully when doing a Release Update, ; because the setup program will replace dn2drv with dndrv ; {address}=DeviceNet MACID ;[DNSC1] DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 1 ; Entries in form 2 ; {address}=DeviceNet slave MACID ; {address}=MACID of CH1 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH1 ; ;[DNSC2] DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 2 ; Entries in form 2 ; {address}=DeviceNet slave MACID ; {address}=MACID of CH2 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH2 ; ;[DNSC3] DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 1 ; Entries in form 2 ; {address}=DeviceNet slave MACID ; {address}=MACID of CH1 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH1 ; ;[DNSC4] DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 2 ; Entries in form 2 ; {address}=DeviceNet slave MACID ; {address}=MACID of CH2 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH2 ; ;[DNSC5] DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 1 ; Entries in form 2 ; {address}=DeviceNet slave MACID ; {address}=MACID of CH1 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH1 ; ;[DNSC6] DeviceNet LPDN scanner channel 2 ; Entries in form 2 ; {address}=DeviceNet slave MACID ; {address}=MACID of CH2 ==> Slave part of LPDN CH2 ; ;[LIBO] Welding sensor LP-Elektronik ; Entries in form 1 ;[RIO] Remote IO LP-Elektronik ; Entries in form 1 ;[FIPIO] FIP IO Schneider automation ; Entries in form 1 ;[BOSCH] Spot weld timer Bosch ; Entries in form 1 ;[PERCEPTRON] Laser measurement system ; Entries in form 1 ;[SBIP] Single board image processor KUKA ; Entries in form 1 ; Portnr.=COMBUFIndex+1 ;[PROFISL] Profibus Siemens Slave IM182 ; Entries in form 2 ;[PROFIMA] Profibus Siemens Master IM180/181 ; Entries in form 1 ;[PBMASL] ProfiBus Siemens Master/Slave CP5614 ; Entries in form 2 ; {address}=Slave DP-address ; {address}=127 ==> Slave part of CP5614 ;[DSEIO] Digital inputs/outputs for KR C3A ; Entries in form 1 ;[CNKE1] ControlNet 1784PCIC LP-Elektronik ; Entries in form 2 ; {address}=ConNo ; {byte}=additional offset ;[CNKE2] ControlNet 1784PCIC LP-Elektronik ; Entries in form 2 ; {address}=ConNo ; {byte}=additional offset
your KRC is older and using older DeviceNet so check if IO mapping syntax is correct.
i think you need to try editing IOSYS.INI
replace syntax used on newer DNET driver
with something that matches your version. probably like:
for details check the bottom of the INI file (should be comments) or compare to other mapping.
Hello All,
I hope you have good time, i have one refurbished Kuka Robot KRC1 with KVR150 running KSS 4.1.7 SP05.
right now I'm trying connect device net to MFC card to enable use I/O. but seem to be i have problem either with configuration or with driver version.
this is the error i get after reconfiguring the Devicenet.
"Configuration Error I/O driver DNDRV"
i have check similar threads similar to this one , as found most of these issue due to missing wiring ,matching Baudrate parameter or IOsys configuration.
problem with in/out ports Kuka KRC2
I would like to share some details about this issue:
1-I'm using Wago 750-306 with one input and one output module. i have used 120ohm resistor on both sides and current value is ~60ohms over the CAN L and Can H.
voltage with reference to ground is ~2.2V and ~3.6V. i have powered up Wago with 24V from the computer power supply, also connected ground for shield terminal.
also i have set dip switch to match the files configuration.
after wiring all. i still did'nt get the connect LED lit on.
2- for the robot part file configuration:
i have attached Iosys and Devnet after editing and matching the MACID 5 and Baudrate 500.
3- after trying to use reconfiguration i get this error
I appreciate your help!! and i hope i didn't miss any information you might need
here are the file.…devnet.ini/file…/iosys.ini/file…/slave.ldb/file
"> " class="messageFloatObjectLeft">
; IOSYS.INI - Configuration file for the IO-System
; For configuration help go to the end of this file.
INW0=0 ;$IN[1-16]
OUTW0=0 ;$OUT[1-16]
OUTW2=2 ;$OUT[17-32]
;------- Inputs ---------
;Slave Inputs
INW50=896 ;$IN[401-416]
INW52=898 ;$IN[417-432]
INW54=900 ;$IN[433-448]
INW56=902 ;$IN[449-464]
;------- Outputs --------
;Slave Outputs
OUTW50=896 ;$OUT[401-416]
OUTW52=898 ;$OUT[417-432]
OUTW54=900 ;$OUT[433-448]
OUTW56=902 ;$OUT[449-464]
INB0=5,0,x1 ;$IN[1-8]
OUTB0=5,0,x1 ;$OUT[1-8]
;------- Inputs ---------
INW64=0 ;$IN[513-528]
;------- Outputs --------
OUTW64=0 ;$OUT[513-528]
OUTW66=2 ;$OUT[529-544]
;------- Inputs ---------
INW68=0 ;$IN[545-560] X
INW70=2 ;$IN[561-576] X
INW72=4 ;$IN[577-592] Y
INW74=6 ;$IN[593-608] Y
INW76=8 ;$IN[609-624] Z
INW78=10 ;$IN[625-640] Z
INW80=12 ;$IN[641-656] A
INW82=14 ;$IN[657-672] B
INW84=16 ;$IN[673-688] C
INW86=18 ;$IN[689-704] ERG
;------- Outputs --------
OUTW68=0 ;$OUT[545-560] model, partner
OUTW70=2 ;$OUT[561-576] color, pointnr
OUTW72=4 ;$OUT[577-592] phase, fixture, command
OUTW74=6 ;$OUT[593-608] wrist angle roll
OUTW76=8 ;$OUT[609-624] wrist angle roll
OUTW78=10 ;$OUT[625-640] wrist angle pitch
OUTW80=12 ;$OUT[641-656] wrist angle pitch
OUTW82=14 ;$OUT[657-672] wrist angle yaw
OUTW84=16 ;$OUT[673-688] wrist angle yaw
;------- Inputs ---------
INW0=0 ;TASK READ : $IN[1-16]
INW2=2 ;MMI READ : $IN[17-32]
INW4=100 ;KEY READ : $IN[33-48]
INW6=4 ;RESULT1 : $IN[49-64]
INW8=6 ;RESULT2 : $IN[65-80]
INW10=8 ;RESULT3 : $IN[81-96]
INW12=10 ;RESULT4 : $IN[97-112]
INW14=12 ;RESULT5 : $IN[113-128]
INW16=14 ;RESULT6 : $IN[129-144]
INW18=16 ;RESULT7 : $IN[145-160]
INW20=18 ;RESULT8 : $IN[161-176]
INW22=20 ;RESULT9 : $IN[177-192]
INW24=22 ;RESULT0 : $IN[193-208]
;------- Outputs --------
OUTW0=0 ;TASK WRITE : $OUT[1-16]
OUTW2=2 ;MMI WRITE : $OUT[17-32]
OUTW4=100 ;KEY WRITE : $OUT[33-48]
OUTW6=102 ;PARAM1 : $OUT[49-64]
OUTW8=104 ;PARAM2 : $OUT[65-80]
OUTW10=106 ;PARAM3 : $OUT[81-96]
OUTW12=108 ;PARAM4 : $OUT[97-112]
OUTW14=110 ;PARAM5 : $OUT[113-128]
OUTW16=112 ;PARAM6 : $OUT[129-144]
OUTW18=114 ;PARAM7 : $OUT[145-160]
OUTW20=116 ;PARAM8 : $OUT[161-176]
OUTW22=118 ;PARAM9 : $OUT[177-192]
OUTW24=120 ;PARAM0 : $OUT[193-208]
;------- Inputs ---------
INW0=0 ;$IN[1-16]
INW2=2 ;$IN[17-32]
INW10=4 ;$IN[81-96]
INW12=6 ;$IN[97-112]
;------- Outputs --------
OUTW0=0 ;$OUT[1-16]
OUTW2=2 ;$OUT[17-32]
OUTW10=4 ;$OUT[81-96]
OUTW12=6 ;$OUT[97-112]
INDW0=0 ;$IN[1-32]
OUTDW0=0 ;$OUT[1-32]
;------- Inputs ---------
;Slave Inputs
INW50=896 ;$IN[401-416]
INW52=898 ;$IN[417-432]
INW54=900 ;$IN[433-448]
INW56=902 ;$IN[449-464]
;------- Outputs --------
;Slave Outputs
OUTW50=896 ;$OUT[401-416]
OUTW52=898 ;$OUT[417-432]
OUTW54=900 ;$OUT[433-448]
OUTW56=902 ;$OUT[449-464]
;=ConNo, additional offset,xSize
;=ConNo, additional offset,xSize