I HAVE PROBLEM IN R-j2 system so i need software of handling tool 7D01/09I because its clear and intialization .
please how could i install new sofware ?
Because it need disks of software in controlled start intialization in handheld Bmon mode .
I HAVE PROBLEM IN R-j2 system so i need software of handling tool 7D01/09I because its clear and intialization .
please how could i install new sofware ?
Because it need disks of software in controlled start intialization in handheld Bmon mode .
dear massula
thanks again for your interset
i am using c3g only not plus
model of robot :::: C3g-900
and when i connect from my pc to robot control unit by serial cable :
1-open transf but doesn't connect
2-open kermit Ms dos but doesn't connect
for your knowledge working from windowes xp 32
could you send me your mail and i will send to you images from my pc and this system
i did all steps in c3g plus also but not work (connect)
The system software comprises a set of files stored on three floppy disks. Normally the controller is delivered with the system software already loaded. Should it be necessary to load system software, the files contained in the floppy disks must be loaded in the controller memory (Ram Disk) following the procedures given below.
The system software floppy disks are kept in a container inside the controller. Each disk and the box that contains them are labelled with the specific data of the software contained.
It is advisable to make a reserve copy of all the disks supplied by COMAU SYSTEMS.
· Insert the C3G Plus SYSTEM SOFTWARE disk 1/3 in the Floppy Disk unit.
· Turn on the controller moving the main switch to ON. The system starts automatically and, after an initial test, it starts loading the operating system.
· When the programming terminal displays the following flashing message:
Press any key to continue press any key twice.
· You will then be asked to insert disks 2/3 and 3/3. Insert the disks and confirm with ENTER.
thanks alot for your instructions but I have disks but no floppy disks
so i have copy of files of C3G software and kermit program on flash memory
and i try to connect to com 0 in panel by serial cable connection - usb to computer
but not connect , so i try change baud rate speed but not work
so Have u any idea for using C3g software by pc to install control unit sys.
and these my mail :mannotepro@gmail.com
I have problem in dealing with C3g software , so I have 3 disks for it
but i don't know how can i install it and
which windows could it work with this software :?