I am trying to real-time control a Kuka robot, and I found that RSI might be the way to go. After seeing this GitHub: https://github.com/pawankumardev/kukarsiserver. I tried to follow this to make a connection between the Kuka and my PC. Upon compilation of the RSI_Ethernet.src file, I got errors. functions did not exist.
I followed the steps, copied the files into the kuka, and tried to run it all.
I found this post: RSI_Create function not available talking about installing a package. but I can't seem to find this package. when looking at the handbook about RSI, it mentions 'software' but not what software, and when following several links on the kuka website, I end up on a page explaining RSI, but nothing to download.
What am I missing, and what is a good guide to follow? Unfortunately, I do not have prior knowledge about kuka systems or setting up something like a UDP connection between servers.