Posts by aknezevi.proton
Since you said you have the VAL3 reference manual search for function taskCreate. That creates task that will run immediately. You often, but not always, want main tasks to never stop running, so you want them all, i.e. their programs (everything under products->programs), to be akin to:
Other tasks, i.e. subprograms, will not have while true ... endWhile since you want to execute them once only.
As for "start" program it is a program that is run when you press "RUN" on the pendant, i.e. when the application is started. In it you want to create all the tasks that you will run all the time. For that you will need to create more programs for those tasks to call. Documentations is pretty good after that.
As for calling programs you can use call program instruction. Or taskCreate and black magic and taskKill.
You can do this with tasks. Have one general task which runs to see which is the current status of motion and of inputs and otputs and either wait for update or run a subtask to command the robot to do something.
For example you could have several tasts:
Then your MAIN task would choose what the robot does. For example SUBTASK_1 could be "go to part", once that is completed you then have a subtask "close the gripper". You then have a task "open the gripper if you have not gripped properly" and so on.
Please specify controller version and KSS version that you are operating when posting in the forum.
From KUKA System Integrator documentation (available for free on myKUKA, KUKA xPert portal):
Cold startAfter a cold start the robot controller displays the Navigator.
No program is selected. The robot controller is
reinitialized, e.g. all user outputs are set to FALSE.
Note: If XML files have been changed directly, i.e. the
user has opened the file and modified it, these changes
are taken into consideration in the case of a cold start
with Reload files. This cold start is called an “initial
cold start”.
In the case of a cold start without Reload files, these
changes are not taken into consideration.Hibernate
After a start with Hibernate, the previously selected
robot program can be resumed. The state of the kernel
system: programs, block pointer, variable contents and
outputs, is completely restored.
Additionally, all programs that were open parallel to the
robot controller are reopened and have the same state
that they had before the system was shut down. The
last state of Windows is also restored. -
You could check on the teach pendant what the segment display means, by going to Control Panel -> Controller Status
The segment 4 on CS8C means:
Amplifier fault: Contact DF open on J112, 3-4. The events history can
be used to find the number of the amplifier concerned, and it provides
further information on the fault. The control panel can also be used to
display the status of the various variable speed drives.Solutions:
Before checking faults on drives, check first that STARC board is operating
properly (see chapter 8.8).Check on MCP Control Panel which drive is faulty and change the drive.
If there is no fault on drives, check wiring between drives and RSI.
For further information consult proper documentation, usually available in the form of Controller_Instructions_Manual.
Thank you panic mode , so the advance run is not stopped regardless of the statement called by TRIGGER.
I am unable to find the answer anywhere in the documentation, but I may be missing something.
We are using KRC4 controller KSS 8.3.17, and we need to set up Torque Limits right before the gripper touches part. For that we want to use SET_TORQUE_LIMITS with TRIGGER WHEN PATH statement to achieve the desired result.
However, right after SLIN command we also set an output to let the PLC know that the command had been processed in order to initiate gripper logic.
That is why I am wondering, does the fact that SET_TORQUE_LIMITS triggers advance run stop change this? That is, if we have lines such as:
CodeTRIGGER WHEN PATH=-2.0 DELAY=0.0 DO SET_TORQUE_LIMITS(6, {...}) PRIO=-1 SLIN POS_At_Part CONTINUE Initiate_Gripper = TRUE ; Initiate_Gripper is SIGNAL
will the line Initiate_Gripper=TRUE be processed before the position POS_At_Part is reached?
Does TRIGGER WHEN statement prevent Advance Run Stop?
Thank you all!
I have a question that is probably very simple, but I am unable to find anything through the documentation.
In my program I use Submit Interpreter to set certain $OUT signals. Setting of the signals triggers advance run stop in Robot Interpreter.
My question is, does it also do advance run stop in Submit Interpreter? I.e. does a code like $OUT[1] = TRUE stop Submit interpreter from running until the robot has completed its current motion?
Thank you all!
We have 2 CS8C controllers with 2 TX60 arms. Both of the arms come from the exact same place and were ordered at the exact same time, but they are not ours, they are pre-owned.
We don't know what the owners did to the robots, but the arm.cfx files on the robots have different tuning. One has tuning set to "R2", while the other one has tuning set to "".
How big of a deal is this, and how can we know arm tuning to correct it?
Thanks you!
Firstly, if you really want REAL-TIME robot position, use $POS_ACT_MES, as $POS_ACT is only the setpoint.
Secondly, there are two solutions to your problem. The first one is, as hermann mentioned, to use ON_ERROR_PROCEED.
The second one is to not use $POS_ACT unless both $ACT_TOOL and $ACT_BASE are set.
So instead of...
you can use...
Lastly, WAIT SEC 0 also prevents code pre-reading. As does WAIT FOR TRUE. This is called advance run stop.
We have a CS8C controller with a TX60 arm. On the controller it is written that the arm is floor mount, but we are mounting it on the ceiling.
Is it only necessary to change the 'floor' to 'ceiling' on the Controller->Control Panel->Controller Configuration->Versions->Arm? Or is there something else that needs to be done?
Thank you!
I would like to update the Starc and VAL versions on my controllers in order to have access to the newest features, but I am looking at compatibility tables and I don't know exactly how to find out which of the hardware components are available on my CS8C controllers.
Are there any easy ways to find out which hardware is installed on my controllers?
Thank you!
I have the WMS in the hand position, i understood that I need to select the working mode on the WMS, to power up the arm, for testing. But from my understanding the status for the working mode lights on the teach pendant should corespondingly light up with what's selected on the WMS box. But in my case the status leds of the working mode on the teach pendant are not glowing at all, no matter what working mode I select on the WMS box.
In my experience this just means that the WMS is not wired properly. If that is not the case you unfortunately have to contact Staubli. Good luck!
From KUKA manual:
Quote11.8.1 CONTINUE: preventing an advance run stop
Description CONTINUE can be used to prevent an advance run stop that would otherwise
occur in the following program line
CONTINUE always applies to the following line, even if this is a blank line! Exception:
If the following line contains the statement ON_ERROR_PROCEED,
CONTINUE applies to the line after.
Also after a start up there's an error message: Internall error on fieldbus Board=1 Equipment=0 Channel=0 Status=33
This really could be anything, depending on the fieldbus card that is present on the controller. If it is for example profibus it could simply mean that the peripherals are not connected or not configured properly/equally on both ends.
QuoteArm power enable request refused: cabinet working mode is remote or invalid.
Well, since you have Working Mode Selector (WMS), check if it is in a proper position. It needs to be in a position where it is showing a human hand if you want to power up arm for test.
I missunderstood the usage of this kind of signals
I am assuming you meant that you thought 1 means safety stop?
That is not how industrial automation works. What if PLC suddenly loses power, and since it is a profisafe device it runs all safety. If 1 meant that safety was breached (for example 1 meaning safety stop), then if PLC controller (which runs ALL safety!) lost power there would be no way for robot controller to know that there has been a safety hazard, it would not be told that.
And, yes, KRC would know that communication broke, but imagine it was just one wire breaking. That is why mostly in all industrial automation 1 means good to go, and 0 means something is broken. Because if there is no power, by default you send that something is broken, which is just good practice.But, you can always fake signal and just see what controller tells you, to make sure what is 1 and what is 0.
Are the AUT EXT predefined signals ($USER_SAF, $STOP_MESS,…) always required for the AUTO EXT communication and operation?
To move the robot in AUT EXT mode the AUT EXT signals need to be correctly configured and run (meaning timed correctly etc.) To move the robot arm at all outside of Startup Mode the Profisafe Inputs need to be correctly configured and run (meaning safety needs to be sent to robot, for example SHS1 signal needs to be 1 because 0 means safety stop).
QuoteWhich is the purpose of the safe signals then? Can I get to the AUT EXT with them?
Safe signals are for safety purposes. As per above, to move the robot in AUT EXT both the safety needs to be correct (or faked) (because the arm will not move otherwise) and AUT EXT signals need to be correct (otherwise no AUT EXT mode).
QuoteCan I get the AUTO EXT to work, without physical safety components installed (I know it’s not recommendable and dangerous), but forcing both safe and non-safe outputs from the PLC (inputs in the KRC, like USER_SAF or Byte0_bit2_BS)?
Of course! How would the robot controller know that there is no estop button if you sent it that ESTOP button is pressed using the PLC? It wouldn't and it doesn't. You can force all safety outputs on the PLC.
QuoteIf the SafeOperation package is installed, is it mandatory to set all the reserved bits to 1? Are there any bits that, if not used, should be set to 1?
SafeOperation has nothing to do with those signals, it is ProfiNet option package which configures that. SafeOperation configures other things, like brake testing, mastering test, safety zones, safety tools etc. In ProfiNet manual you will find that it says that it is best to set reserved signals to 1, that is in case of upgrades in the future, but also best practice.
You should probably do a full system restore. Since it is not just a simple icon missing but all the buttons working who knows what else could be wrong.
Thank you panic mode
Quotesuch signals should be already declared in controller MADA (KRC:\STEU\MADA\$Machine.DAT)
I understand that, but they are not declared in MADA. Only in $OPERATE.dat
Quotefor anything else feel free to declare unique name variables (do not create duplicate names).
Thanks, that is as I expected it to be.
Quotewhy would submit not be running? if it is not running something is wrong.
That is in fact a very reasonable thing. If the SUBMIT somehow stops running there could be all kinds of problems, which is why I have an interrupt in robot program in case the SUBMIT stops running.
I was just looking for ways to maybe run several different SUBMITS and looking for a way to not have the same code in every single one of them.