Ok now it works, i hat to change local setup to Remote. Thank you all for help
Posts by blue_just
Please post a screenshot when SYST-011 is active. Is there any other error or message displayed, e.g. PROG-023 or something like this? Which program select mode (MENU > SETUP > Prog Select) do you use?
Check this blog post. It might be helpful for you to understand the basics of starting a FANUC robot in auto mode.
It is after pressing reset and start from UI
Automatic mode is only allowed when safety fence is closed, if you don't have safety bus system you need to wire safety fence to safety board in robot cabinet.
I have safety system, robot works fine in auto mode when i press start on robot box, this alarms shows only when i try to run him by UI
Check the UI signal "IMSTP". It has to be TRUE in order to start the robot.
Ok now i moved a few steps forward. Now i`m getting *IMSTP, Hold (to unhold robot), Enable and start (and reset when is needed). I do not have any Foults or alarms, Hold do not light but robot do not start. The only thing that robot saying is "SYST-011 failed to run task" and "SYST-009 Safety Fence open". What i have to do to deal with that. I tried to add *SFSPD signal but it did not help
Ok it helped much. I`ve connected UI to DI. I did enable UI in System>Config. I`m geting signals: Enable, reset, start but now i`m getting error SRVO-037. I was thinking that it is about enable signal but it did not help. Can one of you tell me what i have to do to deal with this error?
Id did IP steup. I configured DI/DO with PLC it works fine. I did eneble Ethernet, I configured rack 89. The only thing that i do not know how to do is how to connect Reset and Start buttom to anything
I guess that you are talking to a PLC. Connect those buttons to a PLC and the PLC to the DI signals. The DI signals they have to be mapped to the UI signals
I`ve connected PLC to DO/DI signals but how can i connect these buttoms to a PLC or anything else
Do you have the Ethernet IP option installed on your robot? It it show up as a Type of IO in the IO menu.
I am using EthernetIP
I am new in Fanuc robots so i do not know if it is even possible but, i have to map reset and start buttoms to some DI signals so that operator could reset failures and press start from PLC. Is it even possible? If yes how can i do that? My controller is "R-30iB Plus". I will be grad for help
"Does your STOP program have a motion group assigned to it? There should be an additional error detailing why it failed in the alarm log." Yeas it had first gruop assigned. I changed that and now it works fine. THANKS MAN
"Have you tried to stop all running programs and tried again (FCTN -> Abort ALL)?"
Yes and it did not help."What controller type do you have?"
R-30iB Plus -
I tried to change UALM[1] to PAUSE but it did not help
I have error when i try to use monitor function on Fanuc robot. I`ve seen that someone had the same problem but i do not have any blank lines in my programs (It was his solution)
When i try to run line:
I`m getting INTP 274 error
DONABRANIA looks like below:
STOP looks like below:
Can you please help me?
I`m working on teach pendant on real robot.
DONABRANIA is a condition type of program.