Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
Posts by Robatics1278
Could you please highlight what has to be changed in the job? I am assuming the heading and the GETARG statements. This is the NX100 Macro.
///NPOS 0,0,0,0,0,0
///DATE 2008/01/14 09:40
///LVARS 2,10,0,1,0,0,0,0
'*****Begin Setup Section*****
'--Set OGH# for Mode Select
SET LI005 4
'--Set LI009 to the number of
'---Program BITS (4 or
SET LI009 8
'--Set OG/OGH# for Job select
SET LI006 3
'*****End of Set up Section*****
SET LB001 2
DIN LB000 OGH#(LI005)
AND LB000 8
ADD LB001 LB000
DOUT OGH#(LI005) LB001
' AWELD setting
SET LI002 EXPRESS LR000 * 10
SET I000 LI002
SET LI002 -200
SET LI002 200
ADD LI002 200
MUL LI002 25
DIV LI002 10
' VWELD setting
SET LI003 -30
SET LI003 30
ADD LI003 30
MUL LI003 100
DIV LI003 6
' Job Number
JUMP *NG IF LB000>255
DOUT OG#(LI006) LB000
DOUT OGH#(LI006) LB000
' TIMER setting
SET LI004 EXPRESS LR000 * 10
Then I would need multiple "FRJ" jobs to call different Jobs from the power source?
Hello 95 so if I am understanding you correctly I have to change the instruction set to Expanded, then create a job containing the information from the AON_FRJ1 job? Then call that job when I want to call a Fronius welding job? Thank You
Good morning, does anyone have an idea how to call Fronius Jobs from a Fronius power supply into MRC programs? We have an NX100 / Fronius set up and its relatively easy to do using the inform list / macros / AON_FRJ1 / INSERT / ENTER.
However on an MRC there is no Inform list. I'm looking for a way to tell the Fronius ROB4000 that I want MODE 1 out of Mode 0, Mode 1 and Mode 2 to turn on program selection then select the weld program I want. Unfortunately this isn't the original power supply for this machine so none of the universal I/O are labeled correctly. For years the operator has been using Arcon files and manually entering parameters to weld. I am trying to simplify this for new operators so they can select Jobs via sheet thickness like they do on the NX100.
Any help would be great.
Thank You.
Hello all, I am working with a (used) Motoman positioner (the locking pin type) with an NX100 welding robot. Anyway I have this issue that I just can't figure out. I have to keep resetting the home positions for table A and B about every two weeks. This happens when an operator breaks the light curtain. I don't know exactly what they are doing to try to recover from the light beam hold to cause this problem. I have instructed them to switch to teach mode and hold interlock test start until the positioner completes its sweep. I have tested this procedure multiple times and it has always worked. Several times the operator tells me that they use the procedure I described but when the positioner completes its sweep the pins are off and will not engage the table. The pins aren't off a ton just enough to cause a misalignment issue. What would cause this problem of the pins and table alignment being off??? I don't understand how this is possible since the positioner is geared.
Help would be greatly appreciated.
When setting up the parallel shift I don't see an option for setting up group axis if that's what you mean.
Thank you for the reply. What exactly does that mean?
Good morning all, I have a question I hope to get some help with. I am trying to parallel shift a job by means of a parallel shift job conversion. We have a positioner with 3 fixtures on A and 3 on B. I want to shift a welding job from position 3 to 2. This is a distance in Y of 736.6mm.
I am attempting to accomplish to via the calculate shift by teaching method. So, in the parallel shift menu I go to BASE POINT and when I have BASE POINT (SRC) highlighted I go to my first arc on position on fixture location 3 and hit modify / enter. Then I highlight BASE POINT (DEST) and move to my new first arc on on fixture 2 modify / enter. Seems pretty easy but when I execute job and try to walk through it the robot wants to just spin around and go to some random point until it reaches S axis limit.
Am I misunderstanding what BASE POINT is?
Also it is an R1+S1 job. When the position sweeps the first thing the job does is flip the table 180*. Could this be confusing the shift function? I am not calling in a s1_180 program in, the table flip is just a taught rotation.
Any suggestions? Thank You
I tested the safety relay according to another tech forum and it appears the relay is bad and failing. New one should be here Friday, I'll update incase anyone else has an issue.
Okay, L2 is an error code for invalid configuration of EDM. I look in the SICK manual and it says:
"If you connect the contact elements to be monitored to the EDM input, then you must activate the option EDM in the CDS (Configuration & Diagnostic Software. If not, the device will show the error L2."
"If you later deselect the EDM option, pin 6 of the system plug must not remain connected to 24V."
I believe our light curtains do not have the EDM enabled and that is why I was getting error L2. Wire 6 on the light curtain was hooked to the Safety relay Y2. I removed wire 6 from the relay and the curtains started working.
Now the problem is that when we try to flip the positioner we get an external e stop error. It sounds stupid but if we shake the relay it goes away and lets us flip. Doing some reading I see that Y1 / Y2 are for a reset button. I am thinking that the Motoman control or light curtains are looking for a handshake that each other is working?? Odd thing is I can look at the Input for light curtain clear while this e stop error is active and it is saying they are clear.
Also while this e stop error is active both channel lights are on, on the relay.
I tried to put a jumper in between Y1 & Y2 but no luck.
Am I right in thinking I need to fool the relay or control into thinking the EDM is working or what? -
Another Picture
Hello all, the company I work for purchased a used NX100 EA1900 weld cell and it arrived about a month ago. We / I have been battling it the whole time from missing cables to getting it to weld. Long story short there were a bunch of jumpers and aftermarket wiring in the cabinet. We received our light curtains the last piece of our puzzle last Friday. We plug them in and we get error code L2 Invalid configuration of External Device Monitoring on the curtain display. These are SICK 4000 light curtains, none of the curtain led's are lit. When we attempt to go to PLAY mode me get an external device prohibiting error. I am assuming the light curtains.
As I mentioned there some cut wires and aftermarket jumpers in place so I rang out all the wires having to do with the safety circuit leading between the MXT breakout / Safety relay CR4105 and various terminal blocks. The MXT card had the following already jumped.
9-10 Door Plug
11-12 Door Plug
19-20 External E Stop
21-22 External E Stop
26-27 Slow Speed
31-32 External Hold
33-34 Enable
35-36 Enable
So I am I correct in thinking that all the factory safety features are jumped out? I hooked the external e-stop back up to MXT 20-21 to CR4105 relay for safety reasons. These were disconnected from the MXT.
I see Input003 is light curtain clear that comes from the CR4105 terminal 34 to B4 on the NI001 CN10 B4.
I also found jumpers on JANCD CN10 that look like they don't belong:
Then a wire from A16 goes to TB8
Another wire from MXT 48 to TB8
I have no idea what the previous owners did with it or what they were trying to accomplish.
I know this is very confusing but any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
Well if anyone else has this same issue we talked to a Fronius robot tech who is familiar with robots and the ROB5000 and he had us cut wire 13 on JANCD-XEW01_CN03 to ROB5000 plug X8 wire 10. It was sending an ARCOFF signal after ARCON. I have no idea why but it is welding great now.
So, an update on my progress. I started looking at the wiring in the cabinet and found several wires cut:
First pair of wires: Both come from Card Box JANCD - XEW01 - Connector CN03: 34P:6 current flow signal out and on other end DIN +++. Other wire from CN03: 34P:30 Honda Stecker and on the other end DIN ---.
Second pair of wires found in bottom of cabinet coming from Fronius ROB 5000 connector 8: One says ERROR QUIT 10P MOLEX 2X8:5 and the other says CN02-4.
I'm guessing there's a pretty good chance this is why we are having issues. We tried to see where they go according to the Motoman wiring schematics, but we didn’t have any luck. One more thing is the schematic pictures a voltage sensing wire piggy backed onto the weld negative cable on the positioner. We have no such wire anywhere.
Hello all, we have taken delivery of a Motoman NX100 weld cell with a Fronius 3200 TransPlus power supply. This is a used cell in great condition. When it got here a few weeks ago it took a while to hunt down some missing cables but we now have it to the point where it will Arc Start but then immediately goes to Arc Failure. Now this Fronius is much different than our Miller supply's were used to. I read the Fronius and Motoman manuals regarding them and understand:
There are 3 ways to program welding with this setup:
Local: where everything is controlled through the front panel of the power supply. We set Output 14&15 to on to enable this function and program on front panel on program 0. Same arc fail outcome.
Program: Uses AON_FR to set welding parameters. Pulls from a pre set list of programs made by Fronius from 0-99 depending on wire diameter and what material you are welding. Set to program 6 which our manual specifies as 0.035" wire for mild steel. Still Arc start fail.
Job: Uses AON_FRJ to select jobs made by user stored in the power supply. We made up a schedule and went to run it using the AON_FRJ command and still an arc failure.
At this point I'm fairly confident we have an understanding of what we are doing programming wise. I don't know what else it could be. Once again it will strike an arc and immediately fault.
We checked wire, gas, tips, nozzles. Is it possible the control is not getting an arc established?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We are at a stand still. We had a conversation with Motoman, we tried all their suggestion, still arc failure.
Thank You
He are some more pictures
Hello all, the company I work for just bought a used Motoman NX100 weld cell with Fronius 3200 power supply however when it got here we realized it was missing some cables. They are the cable / cables comes out of the back of the power supply X91port and splits off into a pig tail. One side of the pig tail runs to port CA34 on the NX100 controller, the other runs to a connector at the robot for the vr5000 wire feeder. We have another robot with this cable but I cannot find any ID markings on them. Motoman claims they don't know the P/N since it is a fronius cable. I contacted Fronius and they have been of no help either. We just need that cable to get up and running. I am frantically looking for it. Worse comes to worse I will try to find the backshells and pins and make one but I'd like to keep that for last resort. Can anyone help me out?
Thank You